Open team4music opened 9 years ago
Confirmed by @brrrrrrrt in
Might be fixed with ?
I have the same isssues
opening spreadsheeds ods and impress presentations odp "loading" forever - but another log entry such as:
{\"Exception\":\"Exception\",\"Message\":\"\/files\/meinedatei.ods is application\/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet and is not supported by Documents app ... }
@beccon4 1 and 3 are probably related to this issue. Nr. 2 to the already reported issue here:
Both are known so you probably just need to have some patience until someone is looking at this issues.
ods, odp and odg files gave the error. fixes ods and odp files.
odg now displays an empty page.
Any luck to have the above patch included on the next stable release update? (stable releases channel)
@averi This documents app is not shipped with oC core so it can't be shipped via the stable releases channel.
Edit The fix itself seems to be merged since a few minutes with so some one just needs to release a new version of the documents app at the appstore.
@RealRancor one who needs to release a new version should merge some backports first ;)
Hey there, I'm running Documents on Owncloud 8.2 on DEB Nginx and php FPM everytime as i try to open .ods files i see this here and nothing else happens
Within the Logfile i can read
Also if i click on Edit within the Filebrowser nothing happens and i get redirected to the file overview.