owncloud-archive / mozilla_sync

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Sync with ownCloud bookmarks #40

Open RoboMod opened 10 years ago

RoboMod commented 10 years ago

It would be a nice feature to sync the Mozilla Sync bookmarks with the ownCloud bookmarks. (Also mentioned at the app store knowledge base). There are two ideas to get this working:

  1. Give the Mozilla Sync app users the possibility to put in their recovery key and it will sync the bookmarks.
  2. Create a new app which takes the recovery key and syncs the bookmarks. Maybe the second solution would be a bit more logical cause in this scenario the new ownCloud app would act like a normal sync device. What do you think about these ideas?
ogasser commented 10 years ago

I am a bit sceptical about this feature, especially the first implementation idea:

The second idea sounds more approachable. Although I am not really sure how you would implement that the ownCloud app asynchronously queries the ownCloud Mozilla Sync server.

RoboMod commented 10 years ago

I understand your scepsis, but I think Mozilla chose this appreach cause it is an easy way to build an open but secure server side system. In our cercumstances we have a private ownCloud instance.

@asynchronously queries: this will be possible with a background job

ogasser commented 10 years ago

A private ownCloud does not necessarily result in a secure server. There are attack scenarios where an SSL encryption does not prevent a malicious actor from intercepting your data. Having the password only on the client and never sending it over the wire, however, mitigates these kinds of attacks.

So if we implement this feature at all it should be done in a separate app to not undermine Mozilla Sync's security model.

fossxplorer commented 10 years ago

+1 for implementing sync between OC's bookmarks and Mozilla Sync.

RoboMod commented 10 years ago

I started working on a second app (Mozilla Sync Device) based on Mozilla Sync app which syncs the bookmarks against the ownCloud bookmarks. Actually it is at an early stage so please don't try to use it till I released the first alpha version. Depending on my free time I will bring out the first release with in the next weeks (hopefully before New Year).

binarykitchen commented 10 years ago


Bugsbane commented 10 years ago

Is this the Firefox sync app currently in the owncloud app repo's? If so, does it still work with Mozilla's new simplified Sync login that came with the release of FF 29 yesterday?

ogasser commented 10 years ago

This is not the correct issue to ask for the new Sync 1.5, rather see #33.

mase76 commented 10 years ago

+1 When syncing with OC Bookmarks, the bookmarks could also be used with other browsers.

godfuture commented 10 years ago

+1 Are there any new chances for this issue with firefox sync 1.5 implementation?

binarykitchen commented 10 years ago

Any news on this one? How can we make it work again with Firefox?

tapir commented 9 years ago

Is there a plan to include this? Or is there a firefox addon that can sync to owncloud booksmarks?