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Notes only syncing when evoking save dialog #10

Open thepigeonoftime opened 9 years ago

thepigeonoftime commented 9 years ago

Hey, love the effort, just a suggestion:

Notes are only being saved to ownCloud when I evoke the save dialog - even if I don't actually save the note as a txt file. A bit unintuitive, especially given that when I just hit sync (/ cmd+r) my unsaved note just disappears - not intuitive at all and annoying if someone wrote a long note.

I think the default behaviour on save should be saving to ownCloud, and "save as local file" an extra option. Sync should both save the current note as well as syncing everything.

phedlund commented 9 years ago

CloudNotes does not work with files at all. It syncs the Notes with the database on your server. That the notes appear as files in the ownCloud/Notes folder is managed by the server, not CloudNotes.

The Export function is only an extra convenience if you want a copy of your note somewhere else.

thepigeonoftime commented 9 years ago

Correct. And for me, the *only way to save a note to ownCloud is by hitting ⌘S, which runs the "save to file"-dialog, even though it shouldn't. It doesn't autosave (when I write a fresh note and then click on an older one, the new one disappears) and hitting sync (⌘R) on a fresh note doesn't save it but deletes it.

phedlund commented 9 years ago

Command-S calls Export... in the File menu. It does not sync to the server.

There is something else wrong in your setup. Can you create and edit notes using the web interface? Can you sync those notes with CloudNotes?

thepigeonoftime commented 9 years ago

My bad, I got it down now: I didn't realize CloudNotes *does autosave, but it takes a second to sync. If you select a different note or hit sync during that time though, the note disappears - the reason why using the export dialog worked for me was that it gave the application the necessary second to sync.

So to rephrase: I think sync and selecting a different note should autosave a newly written note to make sure it doesn't get lost. Maybe a hint or a sign somewhere that CloudNotes is currently syncing would also be helpful, the UI wasn't very intuitive on that for me. But maybe I'm just a single (, impatient) case.

phedlund commented 9 years ago

Currently a timer triggers a save/sync 2 seconds after the last change to the text. But you are right, switching to another note should also trigger an immediate save.