owncloud-archive / videos

A simple videos app
10 stars 6 forks source link

Faster Streaming #9

Open gfcwfzkm opened 10 years ago

gfcwfzkm commented 10 years ago


it looks like that the video-app is always download/buffering the whole video and that can take a lot of time. It would be better when it just preload a little and then starts playing while loading the rest instead of waiting util the video is completly loaded. that takes too much time with a slow line and a big video :(

karlitschek commented 10 years ago

agreed. Do you want to help us implementing this?

gfcwfzkm commented 10 years ago

I would like to help but i know only C for microcontrollers :( or is there sometging where i could help?

karlitschek commented 10 years ago

Not sure. PHP is not totally different then C. But it is probably also not super straight forward.