owncloud / client

🖥️ Desktop Syncing Client for ownCloud
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.4k stars 662 forks source link

[1.6.0Beta2] Sync stucks after 10 hours with "QThread::start: Failed to create thread" error in log #1758

Closed a-schild closed 10 years ago

a-schild commented 10 years ago

When leaving running the owncloud client 1.6.0beta2 for serveral hours, it get stuck with a "QThread::start: Failed to create thread (Der Zugriffscode ist unzulässig.) " error in the log.

I have 4 sync folders with a total of ~25000 files and ~3000 folders in them

05-09 09:46:48:436 application.cpp:341 "################## ownCloud de_CH () 1.6.0" 05-09 09:46:48:443 application.cpp:528 void Mirall::Application::setupTranslations() Using "de_DE" translation 05-09 09:46:48:598 qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp:125 QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_1_client_method 05-09 09:46:48:598 qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp:125 QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_2_client_method 05-09 09:46:48:598 qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp:125 QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_1_server_method 05-09 09:46:48:598 qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp:125 QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_2_server_method

then after ~10 hours of sync log (6GB of logfile)

05-09 20:02:56:380 syncengine.cpp:640 void Mirall::SyncEngine::slotJobCompleted(const Mirall::SyncFileItem&) "Music/meditation/Ruhe/desktop.ini" 6 "Die Datei ist in der Ignorierliste geführt." 05-09 20:02:56:825 syncjournaldb.cpp:840 Transaction Start "All Finished." 05-09 20:02:57:438 syncengine.cpp:677 CSync run took 49264 05-09 20:02:57:538 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "IBZ" for changes. (time since last sync: 60 s) 05-09 20:02:57:539 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:02:57:539 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "IBZ" to sync! 05-09 20:02:57:539 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "IBZ" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:02:57:590 folder.cpp:629 -> CSync Finished slot with error false warn count 0 05-09 20:02:57:594 folder.cpp:366 Processing result list and logging took 2 Milliseconds. 05-09 20:02:57:594 folder.cpp:384 OO folder slotSyncFinished: result: 3 05-09 20:03:03:407 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x70f3b58) with name "IBZ" 05-09 20:03:03:408 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x70f5db0) with name "ownCloud" 05-09 20:03:03:408 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x70e55c8) with name "EGGlaus" 05-09 20:03:03:409 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x70fba80) with name "PKKIpsach" 05-09 20:03:03:411 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "ownCloud" : "Success, some files were ignored." 05-09 20:03:03:412 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-09 20:03:03:412 folderman.cpp:478 <===================================== sync finished for "ownCloud" 05-09 20:03:03:413 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 124 s) 05-09 20:03:03:414 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:03:03:414 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "EGGlaus" to sync! 05-09 20:03:03:415 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "EGGlaus" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:03:03:415 folderwatcher.cpp:118 void Mirall::FolderWatcher::changeDetected(const QStringList&) ("C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/") 05-09 20:03:03:445 folderwatcher.cpp:154 detected changes in folders: QSet("C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/") 05-09 20:03:03:445 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-09 20:03:03:446 folderman.cpp:453 XX slotScheduleFolderSync: folderQueue size: 4 05-09 20:03:09:003 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "PKKIpsach" : "SyncPrepare" 05-09 20:03:09:003 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-09 20:03:09:004 folder.cpp:574 ** Start syncing 05-09 20:03:09:005 folder.cpp:522 ==== added system ignore list to csync: "C:/Program Files (x86)/ownCloud/sync-exclude.lst" 05-09 20:03:09:005 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: .filepart 05-09 20:03:09:005 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ~ 05-09 20:03:09:006 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .part 05-09 20:03:09:006 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .crdownload 05-09 20:03:09:006 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: *.unison 05-09 20:03:09:007 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: _csynctimedif.ctmp 05-09 20:03:09:007 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .csync_journal.db 05-09 20:03:09:007 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .csync_journal.db.ctmp 05-09 20:03:09:007 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .owncloudsync.log 05-09 20:03:09:008 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: ..sw? 05-09 20:03:09:008 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: .._sw? 05-09 20:03:09:008 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].csync-progressdatabase 05-09 20:03:09:009 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].DS_Store 05-09 20:03:09:009 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].ds_store 05-09 20:03:09:009 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ]Thumbs.db 05-09 20:03:09:009 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: desktop.ini 05-09 20:03:09:010 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .kate-swp 05-09 20:03:09:010 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: conflict- 05-09 20:03:09:010 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: ].~_ 05-09 20:03:09:011 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].TemporaryItems 05-09 20:03:09:011 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].Trashes 05-09 20:03:09:011 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].DocumentRevisions-V100 05-09 20:03:09:012 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .fseventd 05-09 20:03:09:012 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .apdisk 05-09 20:03:09:012 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .htaccess 05-09 20:03:09:013 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ]Icon\r 05-09 20:03:09:013 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ~$ 05-09 20:03:09:013 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .~lock. 05-09 20:03:09:014 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: ~.tmp 05-09 20:03:09:014 folder.cpp:527 ==== added user defined ignore list to csync: "C:/Users/a.schild/AppData/Local/ownCloud/sync-exclude.lst" 05-09 20:03:09:030 :0 QThread::start: Failed to create thread (Der Zugriffscode ist unzulässig.) 05-09 20:03:09:031 folderman.cpp:469 >===================================== sync started for "PKKIpsach" 05-09 20:03:09:033 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:03:09:033 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:03:09:033 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:03:09:035 syncjournaldb.cpp:76 No database Transaction to commit 05-09 20:03:09:039 syncengine.cpp:467 =====sync with existing DB 05-09 20:03:09:040 syncengine.cpp:510 #### Update start #################################################### >> 05-09 20:03:11:266 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-09 20:03:11:275 :0 QThread::start: Failed to create thread (Der Zugriffscode ist unzulässig.) 05-09 20:03:26:716 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "IBZ" for changes. (time since last sync: 89 s) 05-09 20:03:26:718 folder.cpp:253 _ Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:03:26:719 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "IBZ" to sync! 05-09 20:03:26:720 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "IBZ" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:03:27:222 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:03:27:812 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 29 s) 05-09 20:03:27:813 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:03:27:813 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-09 20:03:27:814 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:03:28:315 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:03:29:217 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 149 s) 05-09 20:03:29:219 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:03:29:220 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "EGGlaus" to sync! 05-09 20:03:29:221 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "EGGlaus" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:03:29:723 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:03:56:718 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "IBZ" for changes. (time since last sync: 119 s) 05-09 20:03:56:720 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:03:56:720 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "IBZ" to sync! 05-09 20:03:56:721 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "IBZ" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:03:57:222 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:03:57:812 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 59 s) 05-09 20:03:57:813 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:03:57:814 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-09 20:03:57:814 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:03:58:315 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:03:59:218 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 179 s) 05-09 20:03:59:219 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:03:59:219 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "EGGlaus" to sync! 05-09 20:03:59:220 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "EGGlaus" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:03:59:720 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:04:26:718 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "IBZ" for changes. (time since last sync: 149 s) 05-09 20:04:26:720 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:04:26:721 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "IBZ" to sync! 05-09 20:04:26:722 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "IBZ" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:04:27:223 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:04:27:822 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 90 s) 05-09 20:04:27:824 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:04:27:825 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-09 20:04:27:826 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:04:28:328 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:04:29:219 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 209 s) 05-09 20:04:29:220 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:04:29:221 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "EGGlaus" to sync! 05-09 20:04:29:221 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "EGGlaus" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:04:29:722 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:04:56:718 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "IBZ" for changes. (time since last sync: 179 s) 05-09 20:04:56:720 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:04:56:721 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "IBZ" to sync! 05-09 20:04:56:722 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "IBZ" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:04:57:224 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:04:57:813 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 119 s) 05-09 20:04:57:814 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-09 20:04:57:815 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-09 20:04:57:815 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-09 20:04:58:317 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "PKKIpsach" is running, wait for finish! 05-09 20:04:59:220 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 239 s) 05-09 20:04:59:222 folder.cpp:253 \ Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started"

danimo commented 10 years ago

@ogoffart can you have a look, please?

ogoffart commented 10 years ago

what platform? Is it on windows?

Can you attach gdb and count the amount of running threads? maybe the threads are leaking somehow.

a-schild commented 10 years ago

Windows 8.1 64Bit, German. Will do the gdb thing, but not sure it will happen again....

a-schild commented 10 years ago

One more such case, on another 64Bit Windows 8.1 system.

05-13 22:38:28:986 _csync_detect_update: Database entry found, compare: 1388268168 <-> 1388268168, etag: 52e13ce7df035 <-> 52e13ce7df035, inode: 308964 <-> 308964 05-13 22:38:28:986 _csync_detect_update: file: Videos/Game of Thrones/GOFTR3-003.avi, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<= 05-13 22:38:28:986 csync_walker: file: C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Videos/Game of Thrones/Thumbs.db [file_id=] 05-13 22:38:28:986 _csync_detect_update: Videos/Game of Thrones/Thumbs.db excluded (2) 05-13 22:38:28:986 csync_ftw: <= Closing walk for C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Videos/Game of Thrones with read_from_db 0 05-13 22:38:28:986 csync_ftw: <= Closing walk for C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Videos with read_from_db 0 05-13 22:38:28:986 csync_ftw: <= Closing walk for C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud with read_from_db 0 05-13 22:38:28:986 csync_update: Update detection for local replica took 16.59 seconds walking 9085 files. 05-13 22:38:28:986 oc_module: opendir method called on ownclouds://aarboard.oncloud7.ch/remote.php/webdav/clientsync 05-13 22:38:28:986 oc_module: * scheme ownclouds 05-13 22:38:28:986 oc_module: * host aarboard.oncloud7.ch 05-13 22:38:28:986 oc_module: * port 0 05-13 22:38:28:986 oc_module: * path /remote.php/webdav/clientsync 05-13 22:38:28:986 oc_module: * user 05-13 22:38:28:986 oc_module: No proxy configured. 05-13 22:38:41:580 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "IBZ" for changes. (time since last sync: 29 s) 05-13 22:38:41:580 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-13 22:38:41:580 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "IBZ" to sync! 05-13 22:38:41:580 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "IBZ" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-13 22:38:42:081 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "ownCloud" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:38:44:806 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 209 s) 05-13 22:38:44:806 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-13 22:38:45:791 networkjobs.cpp:139 void Mirall::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 99 "Connection timed out" 05-13 22:38:45:791 folder.cpp:472 folder "ownCloud" Terminating! 05-13 22:38:45:791 folder.cpp:630 -> CSync Finished slot with error false warn count 0 05-13 22:38:45:791 folder.cpp:367 Processing result list and logging took 0 Milliseconds. 05-13 22:38:45:791 folder.cpp:385 OO folder slotSyncFinished: result: 9 05-13 22:38:50:025 oc_module: Neon error code was 5 05-13 22:38:50:025 oc_module: Neon error code was 5 05-13 22:38:50:025 oc_module: WRN: propfind named failed with 5, request error: Could not connect to server: Socket error 10060 05-13 22:38:50:025 oc_module: Errno set to 10006 05-13 22:38:50:025 csync_ftw: opendir failed for ownclouds://aarboard.oncloud7.ch/remote.php/webdav/clientsync - Unknown error (errno 10006) 05-13 22:38:50:072 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "ownCloud" : "Success" 05-13 22:38:50:072 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-13 22:38:50:072 folderman.cpp:478 <===================================== sync finished for "ownCloud" 05-13 22:38:50:086 folderwatcher.cpp:118 void Mirall::FolderWatcher::changeDetected(const QStringList&) ("C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/") 05-13 22:38:50:115 folderwatcher.cpp:154 detected changes in folders: QSet("C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/") 05-13 22:38:50:115 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-13 22:38:50:116 folderman.cpp:408 Folder is not enabled, not scheduled! 05-13 22:38:50:273 folderman.cpp:449 FolderMan: Syncing is disabled, no scheduling. 05-13 22:38:56:867 networkjobs.cpp:139 void Mirall::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 99 "Connection timed out" 05-13 22:38:56:867 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" : "Not availabe" 05-13 22:38:56:867 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-13 22:38:59:617 networkjobs.cpp:139 void Mirall::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 99 "Connection timed out" 05-13 22:38:59:617 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "PKK Ipsach" : "Not availabe" 05-13 22:38:59:617 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-13 22:39:17:796 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckServerJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "status.php" 05-13 22:39:26:880 networkjobs.cpp:139 void Mirall::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 99 "Connection timed out" 05-13 22:39:26:880 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "PKK Ipsach" : "Not availabe" 05-13 22:39:26:880 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-13 22:39:27:802 networkjobs.cpp:357 TIMEOUT virtual void Mirall::CheckServerJob::slotTimeout() 05-13 22:39:27:833 networkjobs.cpp:139 void Mirall::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 99 "Connection timed out" 05-13 22:39:27:833 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" : "Not availabe" 05-13 22:39:27:833 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-13 22:39:41:635 networkjobs.cpp:139 void Mirall::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 99 "Connection timed out" 05-13 22:39:41:635 application.cpp:290 Connection Validator Result: "Status not found" 05-13 22:39:41:635 networkjobs.cpp:414 status.php from server is not valid JSON! 05-13 22:39:41:635 networkjobs.cpp:417 status.php returns: QMap() 99 Reply: QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0xd96da60) 05-13 22:39:41:635 networkjobs.cpp:423 No proper answer on QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch/status.php" )
05-13 22:39:49:799 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckServerJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "status.php" 05-13 22:39:49:846 networkjobs.cpp:417 status.php returns: QMap(("edition", QVariant(QString, "") ) ( "installed" , QVariant(QString, "true") ) ( "version" , QVariant(QString, "") ) ( "versionstring" , QVariant(QString, "6.0.3") ) ) 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0xcc020b0) 05-13 22:39:49:846 connectionvalidator.cpp:99
* Application: ownCloud found: QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch/status.php" ) with version "6.0.3" ( "" ) 05-13 22:39:49:846 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::PropfindJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:39:49:846 connectionvalidator.cpp:146 # checking for authentication settings. 05-13 22:39:49:971 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:39:50:568 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "PKK Ipsach" to sync! 05-13 22:39:50:568 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" to sync! 05-13 22:39:50:569 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "IBZ" to sync! 05-13 22:39:50:569 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "IBZ" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-13 22:39:50:569 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-13 22:39:50:570 application.cpp:290 Connection Validator Result: "Connected" 05-13 22:39:50:570 application.cpp:295 ######## Connection and Credentials are ok! 05-13 22:39:50:570 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "PKK Ipsach" to sync! 05-13 22:39:50:570 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "PKK Ipsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-13 22:39:50:570 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" to sync! 05-13 22:39:50:571 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-13 22:39:50:571 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "IBZ" to sync! 05-13 22:39:50:571 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "IBZ" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-13 22:39:50:571 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-13 22:39:50:572 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-13 22:39:50:572 owncloudgui.cpp:157 ######## connected to ownCloud Server! 05-13 22:39:51:182 folderman.cpp:453 XX slotScheduleFolderSync: folderQueue size: 4 05-13 22:39:51:595 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "IBZ" : "SyncPrepare" 05-13 22:39:51:595 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-13 22:39:51:596 folder.cpp:575 ** Start syncing 05-13 22:39:51:596 folder.cpp:523 ==== added system ignore list to csync: "C:/Program Files (x86)/ownCloud/sync-exclude.lst" 05-13 22:39:51:597 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: .filepart 05-13 22:39:51:597 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ~ 05-13 22:39:51:597 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .part 05-13 22:39:51:597 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .crdownload 05-13 22:39:51:597 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: *.unison 05-13 22:39:51:598 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: _csynctimedif.ctmp 05-13 22:39:51:598 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .csync_journal.db 05-13 22:39:51:598 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .csync_journal.db.ctmp 05-13 22:39:51:598 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .owncloudsync.log 05-13 22:39:51:598 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: ..sw? 05-13 22:39:51:598 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: .._sw? 05-13 22:39:51:598 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].csync-progressdatabase 05-13 22:39:51:599 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].DS_Store 05-13 22:39:51:599 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].ds_store 05-13 22:39:51:599 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ]Thumbs.db 05-13 22:39:51:599 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: desktop.ini 05-13 22:39:51:599 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .kate-swp 05-13 22:39:51:599 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: conflict- 05-13 22:39:51:599 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: ].~_ 05-13 22:39:51:600 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].TemporaryItems 05-13 22:39:51:600 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].Trashes 05-13 22:39:51:600 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].DocumentRevisions-V100 05-13 22:39:51:600 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .fseventd 05-13 22:39:51:600 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .apdisk 05-13 22:39:51:600 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .htaccess 05-13 22:39:51:601 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ]Icon\r 05-13 22:39:51:601 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ~$ 05-13 22:39:51:601 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .~lock. 05-13 22:39:51:601 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ~.tmp 05-13 22:39:51:602 folder.cpp:528 ==== added user defined ignore list to csync: "C:/Users/a.schild/AppData/Local/ownCloud/sync-exclude.lst" 05-13 22:39:51:603 folderman.cpp:469 >===================================== sync started for "IBZ" 05-13 22:39:51:604 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:39:51:610 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:39:51:610 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:39:51:611 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:39:51:611 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:39:51:611 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:39:51:611 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:39:51:612 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:39:51:614 syncengine.cpp:424 void Mirall::SyncEngine::startSync() WARNING: Another sync seems to be running. Not starting a new one. 05-13 22:40:21:655 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:40:52:233 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:41:22:442 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:41:52:689 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:42:22:900 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:42:53:426 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:43:23:824 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:43:54:026 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:44:24:230 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:44:54:481 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:45:24:667 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:45:55:017 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:46:25:261 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:46:55:496 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:47:25:730 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:47:55:975 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:48:26:248 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:48:56:714 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:49:26:955 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:49:57:400 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:50:27:609 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:50:57:899 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:51:28:103 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:51:58:367 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:52:28:592 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:52:58:990 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:53:15:553 accountsettings.cpp:447 Toggle enabled/disabled Folder alias "PKK Ipsach" - current state: false 05-13 22:53:15:553 accountsettings.cpp:451 Application: enable folder with alias "PKK Ipsach" 05-13 22:53:15:553 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "PKK Ipsach" to sync! 05-13 22:53:15:553 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "PKK Ipsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-13 22:53:15:812 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "PKK Ipsach" : "Not yet Started" 05-13 22:53:15:812 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-13 22:53:16:053 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:53:23:063 accountsettings.cpp:447 Toggle enabled/disabled Folder alias "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" - current state: false 05-13 22:53:23:063 accountsettings.cpp:451 Application: enable folder with alias "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-13 22:53:23:063 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" to sync! 05-13 22:53:23:063 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-13 22:53:23:276 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" : "Not yet Started" 05-13 22:53:23:276 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-13 22:53:23:564 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:53:28:242 accountsettings.cpp:447 Toggle enabled/disabled Folder alias "ownCloud" - current state: false 05-13 22:53:28:242 accountsettings.cpp:451 Application: enable folder with alias "ownCloud" 05-13 22:53:28:242 folderman.cpp:400 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-13 22:53:28:242 folderman.cpp:415 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-13 22:53:28:476 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "ownCloud" : "Not yet Started" 05-13 22:53:28:476 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-13 22:53:28:743 folderman.cpp:444 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-13 22:53:29:221 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:53:59:524 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/" 05-13 22:54:29:930 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::CheckQuotaJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "/"

I had startet owncloud.exe with gdb, but can't use CTRL+C to break into the debugger and attaching to the process did not work either. So I have no way to show the threads....

ogoffart commented 10 years ago

Maybe relates to #1760

a-schild commented 10 years ago

Don't think it's related to #1760, since yesterday we had no connection problems...

owncloud_2014-05-16_11-52-05 Did install the nightly but last evening it again got stuck...

Attaching with gdb shows this: (gdb) attach 9076 Attaching to process 9076 [New Thread 9076.0x92c] [New Thread 9076.0xb88] [New Thread 9076.0x2bc] [New Thread 9076.0x21f4] [New Thread 9076.0x14bc] [New Thread 9076.0x247c] [New Thread 9076.0x27d4] [New Thread 9076.0x243c] [New Thread 9076.0x1c6c] [New Thread 9076.0x14c0] [New Thread 9076.0x1084] Reading symbols from C:\Program Files (x86)\ownCloud\owncloud.exe...done.

(gdb) info threads
  Id   Target Id         Frame
* 11   Thread 9076.0x1084 0x77d79d1d in ntdll!DbgBreakPoint ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  10   Thread 9076.0x14c0 0x77d8d72c in ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  9    Thread 9076.0x1c6c 0x77d8d72c in ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  8    Thread 9076.0x243c 0x77d8d72c in ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  7    Thread 9076.0x27d4 0x77d8d1bc in ntdll!ZwWaitForSingleObject ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  6    Thread 9076.0x247c 0x77d8d1bc in ntdll!ZwWaitForSingleObject ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  5    Thread 9076.0x14bc 0x77d8d1bc in ntdll!ZwWaitForSingleObject ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  4    Thread 9076.0x21f4 0x77d8d1bc in ntdll!ZwWaitForSingleObject ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  3    Thread 9076.0x2bc 0x77d8d72c in ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  2    Thread 9076.0xb88 0x77d8ec6c in ntdll!ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  1    Thread 9076.0x92c 0x77d8d72c in ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

The whole logfile is actually 7GB in size, so I only paste some of the messages

05-15 17:46:09:319 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/Lab2Application.java -> 529a6ad500ee4 05-15 17:46:09:320 csync_walker: file: C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/Lab2Application.java [file_id=] 05-15 17:46:09:320 _csync_detect_update: Database entry found, compare: 1349098590 <-> 1349098590, etag: 529a6ad500ee4 <-> 529a6ad500ee4, inode: 863866 <-> 863866 05-15 17:46:09:320 _csync_detect_update: file: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/Lab2Application.java, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<= 05-15 17:46:09:320 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset -> 52a0d5eaf3de2 05-15 17:46:09:321 csync_walker: directory: C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset [file_id=] 05-15 17:46:09:321 _csync_detect_update: Database entry found, compare: 1392742860 <-> 1385851606, etag: 52a0d5eaf3de2 <-> 52a0d5eaf3de2, inode: 863951 <-> 863951 05-15 17:46:09:321 _csync_detect_update: file: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<= 05-15 17:46:09:322 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client -> 52a0d5eb00050 05-15 17:46:09:322 csync_walker: directory: C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client [file_id=] 05-15 17:46:09:322 _csync_detect_update: Database entry found, compare: 1385970996 <-> 1385851606, etag: 52a0d5eb00050 <-> 52a0d5eb00050, inode: 863964 <-> 863964 05-15 17:46:09:322 _csync_detect_update: file: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<= 05-15 17:46:09:323 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "IBZ" for changes. (time since last sync: 29 s) 05-15 17:46:09:323 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client/ui -> 52a0d5eb00378 05-15 17:46:09:323 csync_walker: directory: C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client/ui [file_id=] 05-15 17:46:09:323 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "IBZ" 05-15 17:46:09:323 :0 QThread::start: Failed to create thread (Der Zugriffscode ist unzulässig.) 05-15 17:46:09:324 _csync_detect_update: Database entry found, compare: 1392742860 <-> 1385851606, etag: 52a0d5eb00378 <-> 52a0d5eb00378, inode: 863965 <-> 863965 05-15 17:46:09:324 _csync_detect_update: file: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client/ui, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<= 05-15 17:46:09:324 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client/ui/VDatePicker.java -> 52a0d5eb00994 05-15 17:46:09:324 csync_walker: file: C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client/ui/VDatePicker.java [file_id=] 05-15 17:46:09:325 _csync_detect_update: Database entry found, compare: 1349438653 <-> 1349438653, etag: 52a0d5eb00994 <-> 52a0d5eb00994, inode: 696238 <-> 696238 05-15 17:46:09:325 _csync_detect_update: file: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client/ui/VDatePicker.java, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<= 05-15 17:46:09:325 csync_ftw: <= Closing walk for C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client/ui with read_from_db 0 05-15 17:46:09:325 csync_ftw: <= Closing walk for C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/client with read_from_db 0 05-15 17:46:09:325 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/DatePickerWidgetset.gwt.xml -> 52a0d5eaf4167 05-15 17:46:09:325 csync_walker: file: C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/Dokumente/Vaadin-Advanced/advanced/Lab2/src/com/vaadin/training/labs/datepicker/widgetset/DatePickerWidgetset.gwt.xml [file_id=]

05-15 17:47:14:393 syncengine.cpp:640 void Mirall::SyncEngine::slotJobCompleted(const Mirall::SyncFileItem&) "Music/Wilson Phillips/Shadows & Light/desktop.ini" 6 "Die Datei ist in der Ignorierliste geführt." 05-15 17:47:14:424 syncengine.cpp:640 void Mirall::SyncEngine::slotJobCompleted(const Mirall::SyncFileItem&) "Music/Yiruma/Silver Line/desktop.ini" 6 "Die Datei ist in der Ignorierliste geführt." 05-15 17:47:14:454 syncengine.cpp:640 void Mirall::SyncEngine::slotJobCompleted(const Mirall::SyncFileItem&) "Music/meditation/Ruhe/desktop.ini" 6 "Die Datei ist in der Ignorierliste geführt." 05-15 17:47:14:639 syncjournaldb.cpp:840 Transaction Start "All Finished." 05-15 17:47:14:649 syncengine.cpp:677 CSync run took 11038 05-15 17:47:14:652 folder.cpp:625 -> CSync Finished slot with error false warn count 0 05-15 17:47:14:654 folder.cpp:366 Processing result list and logging took 2 Milliseconds. 05-15 17:47:14:654 folder.cpp:384 OO folder slotSyncFinished: result: 3 05-15 17:47:15:069 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x6d68070) with name "EGGlaus" 05-15 17:47:15:069 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x6d672a0) with name "ownCloud" 05-15 17:47:15:069 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x6d68550) with name "IBZ" 05-15 17:47:15:069 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x6d68890) with name "PKKIpsach" 05-15 17:47:15:070 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "ownCloud" : "Success, some files were ignored." 05-15 17:47:15:071 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-15 17:47:15:071 folderman.cpp:479 <===================================== sync finished for "ownCloud" 05-15 17:47:15:072 folderwatcher.cpp:118 void Mirall::FolderWatcher::changeDetected(const QStringList&) ("C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/") 05-15 17:47:15:075 folderwatcher.cpp:154 detected changes in folders: QSet("C:\Users\a.schild\ownCloud/") 05-15 17:47:15:075 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:47:15:271 folderman.cpp:454 XX slotScheduleFolderSync: folderQueue size: 2 05-15 17:47:15:686 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x6d68070) with name "EGGlaus" 05-15 17:47:15:687 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x6d672a0) with name "ownCloud" 05-15 17:47:15:687 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x6d68550) with name "IBZ" 05-15 17:47:15:687 owncloudgui.cpp:209 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::Folder(0x6d68890) with name "PKKIpsach" 05-15 17:47:15:688 owncloudgui.cpp:124 Sync state changed for folder "IBZ" : "SyncPrepare" 05-15 17:47:15:688 socketapi.cpp:131 SocketApi: Broadcasting to 0 listeners: "UPDATE_VIEW" 05-15 17:47:15:688 folder.cpp:570 ** Start syncing 05-15 17:47:15:688 folder.cpp:518 ==== added system ignore list to csync: "C:/Program Files (x86)/ownCloud/sync-exclude.lst" 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: .filepart 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ~ 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .part 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .crdownload 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: *.unison 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: _csynctimedif.ctmp 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .csync_journal.db 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .csync_journal.db.ctmp 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .owncloudsync.log 05-15 17:47:15:688 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: ..sw? 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: .._sw? 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].csync-progressdatabase 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].DS_Store 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].ds_store 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .__ 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ]Thumbs.db 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: desktop.ini 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: .kate-swp 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: conflict- 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: ].~_ 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].TemporaryItems 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].Trashes 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ].DocumentRevisions-V100 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .fseventd 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .apdisk 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .htaccess 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ]Icon\r 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: ~$ 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_exclude_load: Adding entry: .~lock. 05-15 17:47:15:689 csync_excludeload: Adding entry: ~.tmp 05-15 17:47:15:689 folder.cpp:523 ==== added user defined ignore list to csync: "C:/Users/a.schild/AppData/Local/ownCloud/sync-exclude.lst" 05-15 17:47:15:689 :0 QThread::start: Failed to create thread (Der Zugriffscode ist unzulässig.) 05-15 17:47:15:689 folderman.cpp:470 >===================================== sync started for "IBZ" 05-15 17:47:15:690 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:47:15:691 syncjournaldb.cpp:76 No database Transaction to commit 05-15 17:47:15:692 syncengine.cpp:467 =====sync with existing DB 05-15 17:47:15:692 syncengine.cpp:510 #### Update start #################################################### >> 05-15 17:47:16:239 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 59 s) 05-15 17:47:16:239 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-15 17:47:27:421 folderwatcher.cpp:118 void Mirall::FolderWatcher::changeDetected(const QStringList&) ("C:\Users\a.schild\Documents\IBZ/") 05-15 17:47:27:425 folderwatcher.cpp:154 detected changes in folders: QSet("C:\Users\a.schild\Documents\IBZ/") 05-15 17:47:27:425 folderman.cpp:398 the current folder is currently syncing. 05-15 17:47:27:427 folderwatcher.cpp:118 void Mirall::FolderWatcher::changeDetected(const QStringList&) ("C:\Users\a.schild\Documents\IBZ/") 05-15 17:47:36:550 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 59 s) 05-15 17:47:36:551 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "PKK Ipsach" 05-15 17:47:44:645 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 29 s) 05-15 17:47:44:645 folder.cpp:253 _ Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:47:44:645 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:47:44:645 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:47:45:145 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:47:46:239 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 89 s) 05-15 17:47:46:239 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-15 17:47:49:699 folderwatcher.cpp:118 void Mirall::FolderWatcher::changeDetected(const QStringList&) ("C:\Users\a.schild\Documents\PKK Ipsach/") 05-15 17:47:49:703 folderwatcher.cpp:154 detected changes in folders: QSet("C:\Users\a.schild\Documents\PKK Ipsach/") 05-15 17:47:49:703 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:47:49:703 folderwatcher.cpp:118 void Mirall::FolderWatcher::changeDetected(const QStringList&) ("C:\Users\a.schild\Documents\PKK Ipsach/") 05-15 17:47:50:204 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:47:53:149 folderwatcher.cpp:118 void Mirall::FolderWatcher::changeDetected(const QStringList&) ("C:\Users\a.schild\Documents\PKK Ipsach/") 05-15 17:47:53:152 folderwatcher.cpp:154 detected changes in folders: QSet("C:\Users\a.schild\Documents\PKK Ipsach/") 05-15 17:47:53:152 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:47:53:152 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:47:53:152 folderwatcher.cpp:118 void Mirall::FolderWatcher::changeDetected(const QStringList&) ("C:\Users\a.schild\Documents\PKK Ipsach/") 05-15 17:47:53:652 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:48:06:552 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 89 s) 05-15 17:48:06:552 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:48:06:552 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:48:06:553 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:48:07:053 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:48:14:645 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 59 s) 05-15 17:48:14:645 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:48:14:646 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:48:14:646 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:48:15:147 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:48:16:239 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 119 s) 05-15 17:48:16:239 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-15 17:48:36:551 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 119 s) 05-15 17:48:36:551 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:48:36:552 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:48:36:552 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:48:37:052 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:48:44:652 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 89 s) 05-15 17:48:44:652 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:48:44:652 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:48:44:652 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:48:45:152 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:48:46:240 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 149 s) 05-15 17:48:46:240 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-15 17:49:06:553 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 149 s) 05-15 17:49:06:554 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:49:06:554 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:49:06:554 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:49:07:054 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:49:14:650 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 119 s) 05-15 17:49:14:650 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:49:14:650 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:49:14:651 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:49:15:151 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:49:16:242 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 179 s) 05-15 17:49:16:243 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-15 17:49:36:554 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 179 s) 05-15 17:49:36:554 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:49:36:554 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:49:36:554 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:49:37:054 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:49:44:648 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 149 s) 05-15 17:49:44:648 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:49:44:648 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:49:44:649 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:49:45:149 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:49:46:240 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 209 s) 05-15 17:49:46:241 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-15 17:50:06:554 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 209 s) 05-15 17:50:06:555 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:50:06:555 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:50:06:555 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:50:07:055 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:50:14:649 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 179 s) 05-15 17:50:14:650 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:50:14:650 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:50:14:650 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:50:15:150 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:50:16:240 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 239 s) 05-15 17:50:16:240 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-15 17:50:36:553 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 239 s) 05-15 17:50:36:553 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:50:36:553 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:50:36:553 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:50:37:053 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:50:44:659 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 209 s) 05-15 17:50:44:660 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:50:44:660 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:50:44:660 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:50:45:160 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:50:46:241 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 269 s) 05-15 17:50:46:242 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-15 17:51:06:554 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 269 s) 05-15 17:51:06:555 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:51:06:555 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:51:06:555 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:51:07:055 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:51:14:650 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 239 s) 05-15 17:51:14:650 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:51:14:650 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:51:14:650 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:51:15:150 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:51:16:244 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 299 s) 05-15 17:51:16:244 networkjobs.cpp:191 !!! Mirall::RequestEtagJob created for QUrl( "https://aarboard.oncloud7.ch" ) querying "Erbengemeinschaft Glaus" 05-15 17:51:36:555 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 299 s) 05-15 17:51:36:555 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:51:36:555 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-15 17:51:36:555 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:51:37:056 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:51:44:650 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 269 s) 05-15 17:51:44:650 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-15 17:51:44:650 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-15 17:51:44:650 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-15 17:51:45:151 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-15 17:51:46:257 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 330 s) 05-15 17:51:46:257 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Success" 05-15 17:51:46:257 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "EGGlaus" to sync! ... ... ... ... 05-16 11:45:07:630 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-16 11:45:07:630 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-16 11:45:08:130 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-16 11:45:15:708 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 64679 s) 05-16 11:45:15:708 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-16 11:45:15:708 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-16 11:45:15:709 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-16 11:45:16:210 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-16 11:45:17:333 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 64740 s) 05-16 11:45:17:333 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-16 11:45:17:333 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "EGGlaus" to sync! 05-16 11:45:17:333 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "EGGlaus" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-16 11:45:17:833 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-16 11:45:37:630 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 64740 s) 05-16 11:45:37:630 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-16 11:45:37:630 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-16 11:45:37:630 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-16 11:45:38:131 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-16 11:45:45:710 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 64709 s) 05-16 11:45:45:710 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-16 11:45:45:711 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-16 11:45:45:711 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-16 11:45:46:211 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-16 11:45:47:336 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "EGGlaus" for changes. (time since last sync: 64770 s) 05-16 11:45:47:337 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-16 11:45:47:337 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "EGGlaus" to sync! 05-16 11:45:47:337 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "EGGlaus" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-16 11:45:47:837 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-16 11:46:07:632 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "PKKIpsach" for changes. (time since last sync: 64770 s) 05-16 11:46:07:632 folder.cpp:253 * Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-16 11:46:07:633 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "PKKIpsach" to sync! 05-16 11:46:07:633 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "PKKIpsach" already scheduled, do not enqueue! 05-16 11:46:08:133 folderman.cpp:445 Currently folder "IBZ" is running, wait for finish! 05-16 11:46:15:712 folder.cpp:249 * Polling "ownCloud" for changes. (time since last sync: 64739 s) 05-16 11:46:15:713 folder.cpp:253 \ Force Sync now, state is "Not yet Started" 05-16 11:46:15:713 folderman.cpp:401 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync! 05-16 11:46:15:713 folderman.cpp:416 II> Sync for folder "ownCloud" already scheduled, do not enqueue!

luciamaestro commented 10 years ago

@a-schild Is still happening in 1.6.2 version?

guruz commented 10 years ago

This is very likely caused by the memory leak that is fixed in 1.6.3 which is coming out today or monday..

Please comment if not..