owncloud / core

:cloud: ownCloud web server core (Files, DAV, etc.)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
8.36k stars 2.06k forks source link

mimetypes should be cached across sessions and not be constantly written to?!? #39843

Closed butonic closed 2 years ago

butonic commented 2 years ago

When looking at the database queries we recently saw an analysis that revealed

{"type":"QUERY","reqId":"Yh4y36SZHtowNFh50epIzgAAAJE","diagnostics":{"sqlStatement":"SELECT `id`, `mimetype` FROM `oc_mimetypes`","sqlParams":"array ( )","sqlQueryDurationmsec":0.19311904907226562,"sqlTimestamp":1646146272.039301}}

To be the query that creates most of the work, at least for oracle:

But also the mysql performance schema lists it as the second most written table which is weird ... are we inserting mimetypes all the time????:

mysql> select * from sys.schema_table_statistics LIMIT 10;
| table_schema | table_name          | total_latency | rows_fetched | fetch_latency | rows_inserted | insert_latency | rows_updated | update_latency | rows_deleted | delete_latency | io_read_requests | io_read    | io_read_latency | io_write_requests | io_write   | io_write_latency | io_misc_requests | io_misc_latency |
| owncloud     | oc_filecache        | 1.47 s        |        87437 | 1.39 s        |           195 | 24.93 ms       |          514 | 52.37 ms       |            0 |   0 ps         |               53 | 848.00 KiB | 236.68 ms       |               456 | 7.12 MiB   | 23.86 ms         |              246 | 1.66 s          |
| owncloud     | oc_appconfig        | 369.62 ms     |       174585 | 369.62 ms     |             0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |                0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps          |                 0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps           |                0 |   0 ps          |
| owncloud     | oc_share            | 117.64 ms     |        59835 | 117.64 ms     |             0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |                0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps          |                 0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps           |                0 |   0 ps          |
| owncloud     | oc_mimetypes        | 91.23 ms      |        57552 | 37.45 ms      |           108 | 53.77 ms       |            0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |                0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps          |                11 | 176.00 KiB | 510.30 us        |               11 | 76.67 ms        |
| owncloud     | oc_mounts           | 58.46 ms      |        14111 | 58.46 ms      |             0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |                0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps          |                 0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps           |                0 |   0 ps          |
| owncloud     | oc_preferences      | 57.17 ms      |        22012 | 57.17 ms      |             0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |                0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps          |                 0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps           |                0 |   0 ps          |
| owncloud     | oc_persistent_locks | 39.83 ms      |         9280 | 39.83 ms      |             0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |                0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps          |                 0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps           |                0 |   0 ps          |
| owncloud     | oc_accounts         | 31.92 ms      |         1893 | 31.79 ms      |             0 |   0 ps         |            8 | 137.73 us      |            0 |   0 ps         |                0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps          |                 8 | 128.00 KiB | 237.77 us        |                8 | 24.98 ms        |
| owncloud     | oc_group_user       | 30.96 ms      |        13094 | 30.96 ms      |             0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |                0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps          |                 0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps           |                0 |   0 ps          |
| owncloud     | oc_share_external   | 23.47 ms      |         3138 | 23.47 ms      |             0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |            0 |   0 ps         |                0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps          |                 0 |    0 bytes |   0 ps           |                0 |   0 ps          |
10 rows in set (0.04 sec)


mysql> select a.event_time, a.command_type, convert(a.argument using utf8) from general_log a WHERE user_host LIKE 'owncloud%' AND command_type='Execute' AND convert(a.argument using utf8) LIKE 'INSERTINTO oc_f%';
| event_time                 | command_type | convert(a.argument using utf8)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:10.846758 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum) VALUES(1,'d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e','','5ced345f4ea649a39cf6e8f07cc272dd',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'',-1,'') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE etag='5ced345f4ea649a39cf6e8f07cc272dd',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='',parent=-1,checksum=''                                                 |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:10.860661 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions) VALUES(1,'files',35335,'','45b963397aa40d4a0063e0d85e4fe7a1','files','0fde5fce68f7badfd1f334024fa76e9a',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name='files',parent=35335,checksum='',etag='0fde5fce68f7badfd1f334024fa76e9a',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31                            |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:10.880142 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, permissions, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart) VALUES(1,31,'files_trashbin',35335,'','fb66dca5f27af6f15c1d1d81e6f8d28b','files_trashbin','ccda679debe251c117bbd68f956a669b',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd')) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE permissions=31,name='files_trashbin',parent=35335,checksum='',etag='ccda679debe251c117bbd68f956a669b',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd') |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:10.894324 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path) VALUES(1,'1a26c26709952aa566430b6bb84e30c1',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'files',70174,'','3014a771cbe30761f2e9ff3272110dbf','files_trashbin/files') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE etag='1a26c26709952aa566430b6bb84e30c1',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='files',parent=70174,checksum=''             |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:10.905573 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path, etag) VALUES(1,(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'versions',70174,'','c639d144d3f1014051e14a98beac5705','files_trashbin/versions','879ab489c5da522f2f0a6a53df105389') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='versions',parent=70174,checksum='',etag='879ab489c5da522f2f0a6a53df105389'    |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:10.916865 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum) VALUES(1,'5128f35c9b4be13788ba41bdb6d1fc1f','uploads','379036057b5e5e04eb5f2901898643ae',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'uploads',35335,'') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE etag='379036057b5e5e04eb5f2901898643ae',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='uploads',parent=35335,checksum=''                      |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:15.953333 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum) VALUES(1,'d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e','','5ced345f4ea649a39cf6e8f07cc272dd',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'',-1,'') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE etag='5ced345f4ea649a39cf6e8f07cc272dd',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='',parent=-1,checksum=''                                                 |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:15.971638 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum) VALUES(1,'45b963397aa40d4a0063e0d85e4fe7a1','files','0fde5fce68f7badfd1f334024fa76e9a',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'files',35335,'') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE etag='0fde5fce68f7badfd1f334024fa76e9a',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='files',parent=35335,checksum=''                            |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:15.976654 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions) VALUES(1,'files_trashbin',35335,'','fb66dca5f27af6f15c1d1d81e6f8d28b','files_trashbin','ccda679debe251c117bbd68f956a669b',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name='files_trashbin',parent=35335,checksum='',etag='ccda679debe251c117bbd68f956a669b',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31 |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:15.981732 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, permissions, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart) VALUES(1,31,'files',70174,'','3014a771cbe30761f2e9ff3272110dbf','files_trashbin/files','1a26c26709952aa566430b6bb84e30c1',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd')) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE permissions=31,name='files',parent=70174,checksum='',etag='1a26c26709952aa566430b6bb84e30c1',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd')             |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:15.994635 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path, etag) VALUES(1,(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'versions',70174,'','c639d144d3f1014051e14a98beac5705','files_trashbin/versions','879ab489c5da522f2f0a6a53df105389') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='versions',parent=70174,checksum='',etag='879ab489c5da522f2f0a6a53df105389'    |
| 2022-03-01 20:45:16.000005 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions) VALUES(1,'uploads',35335,'','5128f35c9b4be13788ba41bdb6d1fc1f','uploads','379036057b5e5e04eb5f2901898643ae',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name='uploads',parent=35335,checksum='',etag='379036057b5e5e04eb5f2901898643ae',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31                      |

now ... this is happening on my personal instance which might be suffering from various quirks ... I'll dig deeper to see if I can come up with the root cause of this ...

Unfortunately, these queries do not show up in the diagnostics app log ... for whatever reason ...

butonic commented 2 years ago

The only upsert on the filecache is https://github.com/owncloud/core/blob/cba1e6b01e13b265b6e5356d46c3def922bbb7c5/lib/private/Files/Cache/Cache.php#L307

I have 20k small files in my trash because I use Joplin to sync notes with owncloud ... and I seem to have an old upload bitrotting in my uploads folder ...

double checking cron

butonic commented 2 years ago

ok, there were a few hundred jobs that had piled up ... but even after getting them executed a simple PROPFIND produces:

mysql> select a.event_time, a.command_type, convert(a.argument using utf8) from mysql.general_log a WHERE user_host LIKE 'owncloud%' AND command_type='Execute' AND convert(a.argument using utf8) LIKE 'INSERT INTO oc_f%';
| event_time                 | command_type | convert(a.argument using utf8)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| 2022-03-01 21:35:33.740340 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path) VALUES(1,'5ced345f4ea649a39cf6e8f07cc272dd',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'',-1,'','d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e','') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE etag='5ced345f4ea649a39cf6e8f07cc272dd',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='',parent=-1,checksum=''                                                 |
| 2022-03-01 21:35:33.747383 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path) VALUES(1,'0fde5fce68f7badfd1f334024fa76e9a',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'files',35335,'','45b963397aa40d4a0063e0d85e4fe7a1','files') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE etag='0fde5fce68f7badfd1f334024fa76e9a',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='files',parent=35335,checksum=''                            |
| 2022-03-01 21:35:33.752871 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum) VALUES(1,'fb66dca5f27af6f15c1d1d81e6f8d28b','files_trashbin','ccda679debe251c117bbd68f956a669b',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'files_trashbin',35335,'') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE etag='ccda679debe251c117bbd68f956a669b',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='files_trashbin',parent=35335,checksum='' |
| 2022-03-01 21:35:33.759794 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions) VALUES(1,'files',70174,'','3014a771cbe30761f2e9ff3272110dbf','files_trashbin/files','1a26c26709952aa566430b6bb84e30c1',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name='files',parent=70174,checksum='',etag='1a26c26709952aa566430b6bb84e30c1',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31             |
| 2022-03-01 21:35:33.765154 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, permissions, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path, etag, mimetype, mimepart) VALUES(1,31,'versions',70174,'','c639d144d3f1014051e14a98beac5705','files_trashbin/versions','879ab489c5da522f2f0a6a53df105389',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd')) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE permissions=31,name='versions',parent=70174,checksum='',etag='879ab489c5da522f2f0a6a53df105389',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd')    |
| 2022-03-01 21:35:33.771952 | Execute      | INSERT INTO oc_filecache( storage, etag, mimetype, mimepart, permissions, name, parent, checksum, path_hash, path) VALUES(1,'379036057b5e5e04eb5f2901898643ae',(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),31,'uploads',35335,'','5128f35c9b4be13788ba41bdb6d1fc1f','uploads') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE etag='379036057b5e5e04eb5f2901898643ae',mimetype=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd/unix-directory'),mimepart=(SELECT id FROM oc_mimetypes WHERE mimetype='httpd'),permissions=31,name='uploads',parent=35335,checksum=''                      |
6 rows in set, 2 warnings (0.01 sec)

so the list of folders that are being inserted into storage 1 (which is my personal home) is definitively:

there are more folders in my data dir, but they don't seem to be recreated ...

butonic commented 2 years ago

Ok that is caused by my parallel deployment of ocis: https://github.com/cs3org/reva/blob/master/pkg/storage/fs/owncloudsql/owncloudsql.go#L665-L670