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Improvements to kiteworks migration guide #1319

Open DeepDiver1975 opened 1 week ago

DeepDiver1975 commented 1 week ago

refs https://doc.owncloud.com/server/10.14/admin_manual/maintenance/migrating_to_kiteworks.html

It is expected that the guide is fully self-contained and users do not need to read any other documentation parts


jnweiger commented 1 week ago

Migration with docker

You receive a passwor protected download link for the migration tool, that looks similar to this:


Log in with a web browser and hit the Download button in top right corner. -> a file 'kiteworks migrate.zip' is downloaded, ca 160 MB. Transfer this file into the owncloud server that is to be migrated. As root shell access to the server is needed anyway, scp can be used. Let's assume the server is reachable as ocXXX.owncloud.works All commands you need to enter are shown with a leading '$ ' here. This symbolizes the shell prompt. Your prompt most certainly looks different. We copy the download into the server and enter the server via ssh:

$ OC_NAME=ocXXX.owncloud.works $ scp $HOME/Downloads/kiteworks\ migration.zip root@$OC_NAME:/tmp $ ssh root@$OC_NAME

When logged into the owncloud server host: $ cd /tmp $ unzip kiteworks\ migration.zip $ cd kiteworks\ migration $ unzip kiteworks_rclone.zip

Now find the docker container id of the running owncloud instance. In this example the container id is ea6df2e097c9

$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ea6df2e097c9 owncloud/server:10.14.0 "/usr/bin/entrypoint…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp oc-10140-20240618 $ DOCKERID=ea6df2e097c9

Now copy rclone and the app into the container and enter the container.

$ docker cp rclone_linux_amd64 $DOCKERID:/tmp $ docker cp migrate_to_kiteworks.tar.gz $DOCKERID:/tmp $ docker exec -ti $DOCKERID /bin/bash

When logged into the docker container:

$ install /tmp/rclone_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/rclone $ occ market:install --local /tmp/migrate_to_kiteworks.tar.gz $ occ app:enable migrate_to_kiteworks $ occ migrate:to-kiteworks --help

Description: Bye bye ownCloud ...

Usage: migrate:to-kiteworks [options] [--]

In case 'occ app:enable' fails with '... rclone could not be found' you can use a more complex command that also specifies the directory, where rclone is installed through the PATH variable:

$ su www-data -c "PATH=/usr/local/bin /usr/bin/php /var/www/owncloud/occ app:enable migrate_to_kiteworks"

Note that everything after -c must be enclosed in doublequotes (") as shown above.