owncloud / ios-app

📱The all-new iOS app for ownCloud
GNU General Public License v3.0
212 stars 121 forks source link

Coding Style Guide #139

Open felix-schwarz opened 5 years ago

felix-schwarz commented 5 years ago

This is a loose collection of code style rules that contributions to this project should follow:


The rules laid down in .swiftlint.yml apply and code submitted to the project should not raise any SwiftLint warnings.

Only exception: limited usage of TODOs are acceptable in cases

File Names

Files containing a definition of type, for example MyType shall be named MyType.swift. Files containing type extension shall be named as follows: <TypeName>+<ExtensionDescription>.swift (for example UIView+Animations.swift).

Naming Conventions

Type names / protocol names shall use PascalCase, e.g. SomeClass. Variables, constants and function names shall use camelCase, e.g. myVariable.

Variable names should be expressive so the code is easier to read. For example tableViewController should be used instead of tableVC, tvc or vc.


Constant declarations shall start with the keyword let. To declare a type related constant, use static let.

Private APIs

The use of private API is not allowed.


The code should follow these granularity rules:

The goal of these rules is to keep the code from becoming too fragmented to easily comprehend. If f.ex. a method is the only caller of another method, which is the only user of a constant, anyone who wants to work on or understand the code would need to look in up to three different places and put the picture together. This should be avoided.


Whenever possible, the implementation of a class should be as self-contained as possible. It's internal logic shouldn't be distributed across several classes unless there's a good reason for it.


This project uses tabs so that different tab widths don't lead to inconsistent alignment of code throughout source files.

References to OCCore

Code in ios-app should avoid strong references to instances of OCCore for long-lived objects like views or view controllers. Instead, wherever possible, use weak references.

The lifecycle of OCCore should be solely managed by OCCoreManager, which holds a strong reference until all requests for cores have been followed by a return. At that point, it releases its reference to OCCore, expecting that it also frees all of its resources.

Copyright / License

Every file should carry the standard copyright / license notice:

 * Copyright (C) 2018, ownCloud GmbH.
 * This code is covered by the GNU Public License Version 3.
 * For distribution utilizing Apple mechanisms please see https://owncloud.org/contribute/iOS-license-exception/
 * You should have received a copy of this license along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html>.

Git branching model and workflow

This project follows the standard OneFlow model.


Swift ORG API Design Guidelines Google's Swift Styleguide

michaelstingl commented 5 years ago

I like the CONTRIBUTING.md from the unofficial WWDC app for macOS https://wwdc.io

michaelstingl commented 5 years ago

@pablocarmu @felix-schwarz what are the next steps here? Add it to the docs and close the issue? Any automated checks that we could add to CI?