Closed daorte closed 8 years ago
Hi @daorte, thanks for your feedback!! It seems a bug with that server version, if you enter through the website you can see that this file it is shared but it is not reflected in the iOS UI. Will fix it within next release.
cc @rullzer This is related to the response of share api, ex: user1 share /folder1shareTo2 that it is inside: /test/folder1shareTo2/ user2 receive /folder1shareto2/ and share a file inside: /folder1shareto2/file.txt to user3
the share api in user2 it is return:
<path> /test/folder1shareTo2/file.txt (path of the owner)
<file_target> /file.txt (path of the destiny)
neither of them exists in user1, so for user1 is shown as no shared could we add the path for user1?
@rullzer , @PVince81 any input here?
Also failing in Android.
As user2, the call GET [server]:[share_path]/shares?path=/folder1shareto2/file.txt&reshares=false
returns an empty list.
The same call with reshares=true
return the expected share with user3.
This is not what we would expect from the Share API documentation:
URL Arguments: reshares - (boolean) returns not only the shares from the current user but all shares from the given file.
From this I understand that the first call should return the share, that was created by user2. Is not user2 the owner of the share with user3, though it's resharing a file owned by user1?
The web UI of 9.0.2 also uses the OCS Share API for sharing and it works there to reshare a received folder with link share.
My steps:
This is the POST request as observed in the network console (copy as curl, stripped down a bit):
curl 'http://localhost/owncloud/ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares?format=json' -H 'OCS-APIREQUEST: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H 'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --data 'password=&passwordChanged=false&permissions=31&expireDate=&shareType=3&path=%2Ftest' --compressed
Then after refreshing the page, to display the status in the sidebar, it does this request: http://localhost/owncloud/ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares?format=json&path=%2Ftest&reshares=true and that one returns
It returns:
"ocs": {
"meta": {
"status": "ok",
"statuscode": 200,
"message": null
"data": [
"id": 3,
"share_type": 3,
"uid_owner": "user2",
"displayname_owner": "user2",
"permissions": 1,
"stime": 1467794355,
"parent": null,
"expiration": null,
"token": "5xpjhpUZrUkrRf9",
"uid_file_owner": "user1",
"displayname_file_owner": "user1",
"path": "\\/test",
"item_type": "folder",
"mimetype": "httpd\\/unix-directory",
"storage_id": "home::user1",
"storage": "3",
"item_source": 19,
"file_source": 19,
"file_parent": 13,
"file_target": "\\/test",
"share_with": null,
"share_with_displayname": null,
"url": "http:\\/\\/localhost\\/owncloud\\/index.php\\/s\\/5xpjhpUZrUkrRf9",
"mail_send": 0
Same result if I set "reshares=false".
Not sure who that "user3" is @davivel ? Mind describing the use case / sharing situation you tested with more details ? (ideally with steps to reproduce).
Something strange happened in my environment... after calling with reshares=true
, reshares=false
responds as expected. Now I'm not sure if I made a mistake in the test and all that I told before is useless.
I'll double check, sorry for the noise.
@PVince81, just to clarify: instead of creating a link share in the step 7, I shared with user3; problem in mobile is the same no matter if the last share is public or private.
Also another question is whether 8.2.6 behaves differently or this bug hasn't been discovered until now. If you think there is a problem with the API, please make a ticket in core with reproduction steps. (and ideally regression status) Thanks.
After more (and better) testing, I'd say this is fixed with 9.0.3, here:
@nasli, could you confirm for iOS?
@PVince81 to notice the error you must share a folder inside another one: ex: user1 share /folder1shareTo2 that it is inside: /test/folder1shareTo2/ user2 receives /folder1shareto2/ and share a file inside: /folder1shareto2/file.txt to user3 Because if share a root folder all works.
Tested over Works :,,,, Fails :,, -->in the path return the path of user1
Ah, I see. Does it work with 9.0.3 ? (with
Yes @PVince81, with this PR works!
For Android nothing more is needed, but for the iOS app we need to revert a fix made to use file_target instead path in these cases for latest server version.
@daorte, this will be fixed with the next release of iOS 3.5.0 that is expected in next weeks and also you need to update your server to
Tested with OwnCloud and iOS Client 3.5.0 and it works now...
Great! Thanks for your feedback! ;)
Hi! i found an unexpected behavior trying to create a share link from a shared folder
Steps to reproduce
Expected behaviour
the iOS app should create the share link
Actual behaviour
the iOS app does nothing
Server configuration
Web server: Apache 2.4 Database: MySQL PHP version: 7 Client: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iOS) ownCloud-iOS/3.4.9 OwnCloud: Device model: iPhone 6 Plus iOS 9.3.2
Some help
the app is validating if the user is the owner of the file, in the share API response XML, this
and this<displayname_file_owner>userOne</displayname_file_owner>
tags refers to userOne. If i try to create a share in a NOT shared folder it works correctly---edited by @nasli, added tasks:
PR: #726 ,