owncloud / openidconnect

OpenId Connect (OIDC) Integration for ownCloud
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[QA] 2.2.0 Testplan #240

Closed jnweiger closed 1 year ago

jnweiger commented 2 years ago


Setup details (click to view) Automated setup script: github.com/owncloud/QA/tools/hetzner-deploy/make_openidconnect_test.sh - https://oc10110-oidc220rc6-20221024.jw-qa.owncloud.works - https://oc1010-oidc220rc6-20221024.jw-qa.owncloud.works - https://oc1091-oidc220rc6-20221024.jw-qa.owncloud.works - login via 'Kopano' with user: aaliyah_abernathy pass: secret - login via 'Kopano' with user: aaron_beer pass: secret - update setups - https://oc10110-oidc100-20221024.jw-qa.owncloud.works - https://oc10110-oidc211-20221024.jw-qa.owncloud.works Template: https://github.com/owncloud/QA/blob/master/Server/Test_Plan_openidconnect.md References: * https://github.com/owncloud/docs/issues/2855#issuecomment-719944884 * https://doc.owncloud.com/server/admin_manual/configuration/user/oidc/ * https://github.com/owncloud/openidconnect/issues/66#issuecomment-679093440 * https://github.com/owncloud/openidconnect/issues/66#issuecomment-708217650 * https://github.com/owncloud/openidconnect/issues/66#issuecomment-709999406 * https://github.com/owncloud/QA/blob/master/Mobile/GenericTPs/OIDC.md * https://github.com/owncloud/QA/blob/master/Server/Test_Plan_OAuth2.md * https://github.com/owncloud/QA/blob/master/Server/Test_Plan_Pluggable_Auth.md


Needs update!

Test Case Description Expected Result Comments
Fresh install occ app:enable openidconnect app gets enabled :heavy_check_mark:
Fresh install disable/enable via admin web gui app gets disabled/enabled :heavy_check_mark:
Update from 1.0.0 disable, unpack new tar, enable via admin web gui app gets enabled :heavy_check_mark: occ upgrade is needed. #135
Update from 2.1.1 same as above, or use occ market:in -l ... app gets enabled XXX :heavy_check_mark:
User flow
Correct OIDC URL Set a correct OIDC URL Connection set to the URL :heavy_check_mark: as per INIT.bashrc
Enter correct iDP credentials 1. Set a correct OIDC URL
2. Enter correct credentials
IDP can be accessed. XXX :heavy_check_mark:
Authorization Authorize permissions and session iDP finishes web browser and redirects to ownCloud XXX :heavy_check_mark:
Cancel login process 1. Set a correct OIDC URL
2. In iDP, cancel login process
Back to client :no_entry_sign: Error in OpenIdConnect:Error: access_denied Description: consent denied -> https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/40403 XXX
Logout 1. Complete login process in a OIDC server
2. Logout in the idP
Session logged out. Needed credentials again to enter the account :heavy_check_mark: Stranded at kopano-/keycloak-url, oc-url would be better -> https://github.com/owncloud/openidconnect/issues/276
Request flow
Check openid-configuration request Enter an URL of OIDC server The .well-known /openid-configuration endpoint must be checked to assure availability of OIDC. Response received :heavy_check_mark: may be available at both, owncloud and kopano, technically needed at kopano. E.g. https://k-oc1091-oidc220rc5-20220928.jw-qa.owncloud.works/.well-known/openid-configuration
register endpoint available In case the server supports Dynamic Client Registration, register endpoint is requested Client id and secret id (not mandatory) is retrieved :heavy_check_mark: XXX keycloak responds with 403. rejected request to client-registration service. Details: Host not trusted.
idP flow Enter credentials in iDP The logon endpoint is requested after entering credentials
The authorize endpoint is requested after authorizing
:no_entry: /signin/v1/chooseaccount
neither logon nor /signin/ can be found in client log file.
idP flow with dynamic client registration Enter credentials in iDP The logon endpoint is requested after entering credentials
The authorize endpoint is requested after authorizing using client id and secret id granted by register endpoint
Redirection Authorize session in idP Web browser redirects correctly to the client and with session opened :heavy_check_mark:
Token Renewal Wait till session time is exceed token endoint is requested with refresh token to get a new token. This must be transparent for the client :heavy_check_mark: 01-22 09:10:46:385 [ info sync.httplogger ]: ... \"expires_in\": 600\n}\n]"
01-22 09:21:03:624 [ info sync.credentials.http ]: Refreshing token
01-22 09:21:03:759 [ info sync.httplogger ]: ... Request: POST ... /konnect/v1/token
it is 300 sec 2023-01-23
ClientId/SecretiD renewal Wait till clientId/SecretId granted by register endpoint, expire New ClientId/SecretId must be granted to request new tokens :heavy_check_mark: renewal seen after 5 minutes. See log example below https://github.com/owncloud/openidconnect/issues/132#issuecomment-768982643
Basic -> OIDC 1. Login in basic auth server
2. Enable maintenance mode and upgrade to OIDC
3. add 'token_auth_enforced' => true to config.php
4. Disable maintenance mode
Client shows and error and user must re-authenticate against new OIDC :construction: Server replied "599" after 30 sec.; see also #136
OAuth2 -> OIDC 1. Login in OAuth2 server
2. Enable maintenance mode and upgrade to OIDC
3. Disable maintenance mode
Token not valid anymore, and user must re-authenticate against new OIDC :construction: Unclear expectations: https://github.com/owncloud/openidconnect/issues/66#issuecomment-718560009
OAuth2 -> OIDC + OAuth2 1. Login in OAuth2 server
2. Enable maintenance mode and upgrade to OIDC, keeping Oauth2 enabled
3. Disable maintenance mode
Token is valid anymore. Must re-authenticate to start using OIDC :construction:


After releasing 2.16, authentication library will be replaced for a custom implementation. Tests here will be done with such implementation as well

Actually, Android does not support Dynamic Client Registration yet.

Openidconnect: 2.x.x Device: Google Pixel 2 Android version: 11

Test Case Description Expected Result Comments
User flow
Correct OIDC URL Set a correct OIDC URL Connection set to the URL 3.0: :heavy_check_mark:
Enter correct iDP credentials 1. Set a correct OIDC URL
2. Enter correct credentials
Authorization is requested 3.0: :heavy_check_mark:
Authorization Authorize permissions and session iDP finishes web browser and redirects to the client 3.0: :heavy_check_mark:
Cancel login process 1. Set a correct OIDC URL
2. In iDP, cancel login process
Back to client 3:0: :construction: XXX there is no cancel at keycloak
Logout 1. Complete login process in a OIDC server
2. Logout in the idP
Session logged out. Needed credentials again to enter the account :no_entry: XXX There is no logout at Android, a new reconnect is automatically logged in, not possible to choose a different user. -> https://github.com/owncloud/android/issues/3872
Request flow
Check openid-configuration request Enter an URL of OIDC server The .well-known /openid-configuration endpoint must be checked to assure availability of OIDC. Response received :heavy_check_mark:
register endpoint available In case the server supports Dynamic Client Registration, register endpoint is requested Client id and secret id (not mandatory) is retrieved NA Android does not support yet
idP flow Enter credentials in iDP The logon endpoint is requested after entering credentials
The authorize endpoint is requested after authorizing
idP flow with dynamic client registration Enter credentials in iDP The logon endpoint is requested after entering credentials
The authorize endpoint is requested after authorizing using client id and secret id granted by register endpoint
NA Android does not support yet
Redirection Authorize session in idP Web browser redirects correctly to the client and with session opened :heavy_check_mark:
Renewal Wait till session time is exceed token endoint is requested with refresh token to get a new token. This must be transparent for the client :no_entry: XXX The android client prompts with an expired message. User has to confirm manually, to extend the token -> https://github.com/owncloud/android/issues/3873
ClientId/SecretId renewal Wait till clientId/SecretId granted by register endpoint, expire New ClientId/SecretId must be granted to request new tokens NA Android does not support yet
Basic -> OIDC 1. Login in basic auth server
2. Enable maintenance mode and upgrade to OIDC
3. Disable maintenance mode
4. Force re-login
User must re-authenticate against new OIDC 2.16 :construction:
New: :construction:
OAuth2 -> OIDC 1. Login in OAuth2 server
2. Enable maintenance mode and upgrade to OIDC
3. Disable maintenance mode
Token not valid anymore, and user must re-authenticate against new OIDC 2.16 :construction:
New :construction:
OAuth2 -> OIDC + OAuth2 1. Login in OAuth2 server
2. Enable maintenance mode and upgrade to OIDC, keeping Oauth2 enabled
3. Disable maintenance mode
Token is not valid anymore. Must re-authenticate to start using OIDC 2.16 :construction:
New: :construction:

Smoke test: 2.16 :construction: New :construction:


Openidconnect: 2.x.x Device: iPhoneXR iOS version: 14.2

Tested with the current stable 11.4.5 and the new one 11.5, including Dynamic Client Registration

Test Case Description Expected Result Comments
User flow
Correct OIDC URL Set a correct OIDC URL Connection set to the URL 11.4: :construction:
11.5 :construction:
Enter correct iDP credentials 1. Set a correct OIDC URL
2. Enter correct credentials
Authorization is requested 11.4: :construction:
11.5 :construction:
Authorization Authorize permissions and session iDP finishes web browser and redirects to the client 11.11 :heavy_check_mark:
Cancel login process 1. Set a correct OIDC URL
2. In iDP, cancel login process
Back to client 11.4: :construction:
11.5 :construction:
Logout 1. Complete login process in a OIDC server
2. Logout in the idP
Session logged out. Needed credentials again to enter the account NA
Request flow
Check openid-configuration request Enter an URL of OIDC server The .well-known /openid-configuration endpoint must be checked to assure availability of OIDC. Response received 11.4: :construction:
11.5 :construction:
register endpoint available In case the server supports Dynamic Client Registration, register endpoint is requested Client id and secret id (not mandatory) is retrieved 11.4: NA
11.5 :construction:
idP flow Enter credentials in iDP The logon endpoint is requested after entering credentials
The authorize endpoint is requested after authorizing
11.4: :construction:
11.5 :construction:
idP flow with dynamic client registration Enter credentials in iDP The logon endpoint is requested after entering credentials
The authorize endpoint is requested after authorizing using client id and secret id granted by register endpoint
11.4: NA
11.5 :construction:
Redirection Authorize session in idP Web browser redirects correctly to the client and with session opened 11.4: :construction:
11.5 :construction:
Renewal Wait till session time is exceed token endpoint is requested with refresh token to get a new token. This must be transparent for the client 11.4:
11.5 :construction:
ClientId/SecretId renewal Wait till clientId/SecretId granted by register endpoint, expire New ClientId/SecretId must be granted to request new tokens 11.4: NA
11.5 :construction:
Basic -> OIDC 1. Login in basic auth server
2. Enable maintenance mode and upgrade to OIDC
3. Disable maintenance mode
4. Force re-login
User must re-authenticate against new OIDC NA Not supported. Link
OAuth2 -> OIDC 1. Login in OAuth2 server
2. Enable maintenance mode and upgrade to OIDC
3. Disable maintenance mode
Token not valid anymore, and user must re-authenticate against new OIDC 11.4 :construction:
11.5 :construction:
OAuth2 -> OIDC + OAuth2 1. Login in OAuth2 server
2. Enable maintenance mode and upgrade to OIDC, keeping Oauth2 enabled
3. Disable maintenance mode
Token is valid anymore. Must re-authenticate to start using OIDC 11.4: :construction:
11.5 :construction:

jnweiger commented 2 years ago

Changelog testing

GeraldLeikam commented 1 year ago

@jnweiger Please check your install script

The given urls all had a hyphen between appname and appversion, which is why the urls don't work.

Correct would be:

jnweiger commented 1 year ago

QA passed, with several (minor) defects, see https://github.com/owncloud/openidconnect/issues/241#issuecomment-1207181287