Closed YugieDev closed 4 years ago
Version 0.9.7 have the same issue
Hi there. Any chance to get this working? I am not able to share Tasks with users or groups also. Even not with the calendar workaround. Using OC
Almost year passed since last comment. Any chances for sharing tasks? Without that basic functionality whole app is useless.
Nobody is maintaining this app - nothing will happen in the upcoming years - sorry
I do not have the time to commit to learning ownCloud enough to work on this app with no compensation for my time. I would suggest you use a client that supports the functionality you want and let ownCloud be the repository for your tasks..
Steps to reproduce
Expected behavior
You should be able to share to-do lists with other users
Actual behavior
There is no clear way of sharing to-do lists or tasks with other users
Server configuration
Operating system: Linux Ubuntu 16.04
Web server: Apache2
Database: MySQL
PHP version: 7.0
ownCloud version: 10.0.8
Tasks version: 0.9.6
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: Fresh install
Signing status (ownCloud 9.0 and above): None
No errors have been found.