Scenario Outline: Add new trusted server using the testing api # /var/www/owncloud/testrunner/apps/testing/tests/acceptance/features/apiTestingApp/trustedServer.feature:4
Given using OCS API version "<ocs-api-version>" # FeatureContext::usingOcsApiVersion()
When the administrator adds url "" as trusted server using the testing API # FeatureContext::theAdministratorAddsUrlAsTrustedServerUsingTheTestingApi()
Then the HTTP status code should be "<http-status>" # FeatureContext::theHTTPStatusCodeShouldBe()
And the HTTP reason phrase should be "<http-reason-phrase>" # FeatureContext::theHTTPReasonPhraseShouldBe()
And the OCS status code should be "<ocs-status>" # OCSContext::theOCSStatusCodeShouldBe()
And url "" should be a trusted server # FeatureContext::urlShouldBeATrustedServer()
| ocs-api-version | ocs-status | http-status | http-reason-phrase |
| 1 | 201 | 201 | Created |
| 2 | 201 | 201 | Created |
HTTP status code is not the expected value
Failed asserting that 200 matches expected '201'.
and later fails.
Some status codes seem to have changed.
Needs investigation to understand what changed and why, then fix code or tests.
and later fails.
Some status codes seem to have changed.
Needs investigation to understand what changed and why, then fix code or tests.