As a user I want to "watch" certain resources so that I get informed only about most important changes.
improve collaboration
Acceptance Criteria
Add an option to watch / unwatch a resource "Notify me" (default: off)
The user gets a notification if there is activity within a watched resource recursively:
Child resources are automatically watched/unwatched
If a parent resource is watched, the option to unwatch the child resources are inactive (shows watch:on / inactive)
users can watch these resources if they have read-access:
resources in "Shared with me"
Watch / Unwatch option is available via the details panel
Definition of ready
[ ] everybody needs to understand the value written in the user story
[ ] acceptance criteria has to be defined
[ ] all dependencies of the user story need to be identified
[ ] feature should be seen from an end user perspective
[ ] user story has to be estimated
[ ] story points need to be less then 20
Definition of done
Functional requirements
[ ] functionality described in the user story works
[ ] acceptance criteria are fulfilled
[ ] code review happened
[ ] CI is green
[ ] critical code received unit tests by the developer
[ ] automated tests passed (if automated tests are not available, this test needs to be created and passed
Non-functional requirements
[ ] no sonar cloud issues
User Stories
Acceptance Criteria
Definition of ready
[ ] everybody needs to understand the value written in the user story [ ] acceptance criteria has to be defined [ ] all dependencies of the user story need to be identified [ ] feature should be seen from an end user perspective [ ] user story has to be estimated [ ] story points need to be less then 20
Definition of done