owntone / owntone-server

Linux/FreeBSD DAAP (iTunes) and MPD media server with support for AirPlay 1 and 2 speakers (multiroom), Apple Remote (and compatibles), Chromecast, Spotify and internet radio.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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run it locally, change css settings? #1724

Closed Jumbo125 closed 3 months ago

Jumbo125 commented 3 months ago

Hello is it possible to run it locally and use all files from a local copy from this project? i need to conifg the webplayer with some css style formatings and more

thank you!

hacketiwack commented 3 months ago

If your objective is to fiddle around with the web UI, you can do the following:

  1. Check out the Git repository
  2. To to the folder web-src folder and change what you need/want
  3. Install npm and run the following command:
npm install 
  1. Run a local copy of the web UI with the following command (bash or zsh) Note that owntone.local must be replaced with your own OwnTone server address.
export VITE_OWNTONE_URL=http://owntone.local:3689; npm run serve
  1. Then access your local version through: http://localhost:3000

Some more information can be found here.

Jumbo125 commented 3 months ago

@hacketiwack okay. i hope i understand it correctly...

  1. i downlaod the Git resp. and save it locally
  2. i install the project with npm install owntone-server-28.9.tar.gz
  3. it will be install it locally
  4. now i can view it on port 3000
  5. where is it installed to change the css files?
  6. how can i change the port 3000

or can i do it with the building tutorial: https://owntone.github.io/owntone-server/building/

i installed it via raspberry install

hacketiwack commented 3 months ago

Not exactly. The instructions I gave only allow to run the web UI locally.

If you want to run the OwnTone server locally on your computer, you have to follow the installation instructions presented in this document and more specifically these build instructions.

Note that by default, the web UI is located under /usr/share/owntone/htdocs.

Jumbo125 commented 3 months ago

Not exactly. The instructions I gave only allow to run the web UI locally.

If you want to run the OwnTone server locally on your computer, you have to follow the installation instructions presented in this document.

Note that by default, the web UI is located under /usr/share/owntone/htdocs.

okay i see. i used the raspberry install. i think that was a fail. i should use the debian install tutorial.... is it correct?

do you know how i can uninstall the "old owntone-rasperry installation"? thank you

hacketiwack commented 3 months ago

It depends on which OS you want to install OwnTone. What is your OS?

And maybe a question I should have asked at the beginning: what do you want to adapt in OwnTone?

Jumbo125 commented 3 months ago

my system is raspberry pi os (bookworm) it's a debian os, so i think i can use the debian installation tutorial

I would prefer to run it locally, because sometimes i don't have internet. i want to edit the webserver files. (jquery, css and more)

thank you very much for your help

hacketiwack commented 3 months ago

Actually, if you install OwnTone locally with the procedure described for the Raspberry Pi OS, then you don't have to worry about having access to Internet. The web UI doesn't rely at all on any internet connectivity. All the resources are installed locally on your device.

I enjoin you to follow the instructions here and more specifically here.

Jumbo125 commented 3 months ago

okay... do you know where the style files (http://localhost:3689/assets/index.css) is located, when i do the raspi tutorial??? where is thefolder assests? where is the root directory?

thank you

hacketiwack commented 3 months ago

As I wrote earlier, the files are under /usr/share/owntone/htdocs. These files are rather difficult to read because they are minified (with the command npm run build). But, my question remains: what do you want to change in the OwnTone UI?

Jumbo125 commented 3 months ago

you are great. there is the css file. i will test it Thank you very much!!!! i only want to change some css styles, like font-size and more

i removed my first owntone installation unfortunately..... because i want to try the installation tutorial for debian... it works too. should i remove this installtion and install it again with the commands from the raspbian os tutroial? thank you

my js and css edtiing works!