owntone / owntone-server

Linux/FreeBSD DAAP (iTunes) and MPD media server with support for AirPlay 1 and 2 speakers (multiroom), Apple Remote (and compatibles), Chromecast, Spotify and internet radio.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Cannot save queue to playlist: Status 500 'Internal Server Error' #1756

Open bitevader opened 2 weeks ago

bitevader commented 2 weeks ago

Please try to provide the following:

Steps to reproduce will greatly improve the chance of getting it fixed. If it is not possible then set the log level to debug (in /etc/owntone.conf) and try to get some logging of when the error happens. Don’t cut and paste lengthy log outtakes here on github. Instead, attach the log file.

bitevader commented 2 weeks ago

Hi everybody, On the web IF, I couldn't save my queue 'mystream' as a playlist named 'MyPL'. This is what the log says:

[ LOG] player: Could not open pipe for reading '/home/pi/Music/mystream.metadata': No such file or directory [ LOG] scan: Path '/home/pi/Radio/Rip/MyPL.m3u' is not a virtual path for a configured (local) library directory. [ LOG] web: JSON api request failed with error code 500 (/api/queue/save?name=MyPL)

Glad for any help in this jungle!

hacketiwack commented 2 weeks ago

In your configuration (owntone.conf), you need to configure two parameters:

Make sure that you provide the correct permissions to the directory you specified under default_playlist_directory.

Hope this helps.

bitevader commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the answer. I have owntone installed on a Rapberry PI 3 B. When I use the 'Save'-buttom on the Web-IF to save my stream as playlist, what more permissions should be required concerning to what my config already contains? A pullout of (what I think are) the relevant settings I changed or left I have posted below. What do you think? owntone.conf.txt I don't know why the attachement comes within here?!

hacketiwack commented 2 weeks ago

The two parameters seem to be configured correctly. I would add the directory /home/pi/Radio in the directory list as well.

library {
    allow_modifying_stored_playlists = true
    default_playlist_directory = "/home/pi/Radio/Rip"
    directories = { "/home/pi/Music/", "/home/pi/Radio" }

Make sure that permissions on /home/pi/Radio/Rip is set to be writable by the user starting OwnTone. Just to test, you can give 777 permission on it like this: (777 is too permissive, but is OK for temporarily testing)

sudo chmod 777 -R /home/pi/Radio/Rip
bitevader commented 2 weeks ago

Well, the playlist was saved but when I wanted to play it, this: owntone.log.txt When I checked the playlist file it had .m3u but the properties were: plain text document, 0 bytes. ??

hacketiwack commented 2 weeks ago

What kind of file is /file:/home/pi/Radio/Rip/Chue am Waldrand?

The message in the logs is telling you that the file type is unsupported in the playlist.

Unsupported data kind for playlist file '/file:/home/pi/Radio/Rip/Chue am Waldrand' ignoring item '/home/pi/Music/mystream'
bitevader commented 2 weeks ago

Chue am Waldrand - in english: Cow on the edge of the forest - is the name of the playlist. I also tried the name without spaces with the same result. As I mentioned, the file extension .m3u was added, but in properties I saw that the type was plain text and it contained 0 bytes. I don‘t know either why it is not supported. Once again I am at the limits and I hope somebody may help. Thanks.

hacketiwack commented 2 weeks ago

I was not being judgmental about what you’re listening. 😅 I should have asked, what is the type of data you have in the mystream file? Is it a regular file?

bitevader commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, mystream I generated with mkfifo -m666 /home/pi/Music/mystream and arecord -D hw:CARD=CODEC,DEV=0 -f raw > /home/pi/Music/mystream It is from a USB input (ALSA I think) and it shows up on the Web-IF where I can play the music it contains. To store the playlist I chose a subfolder to Radio because owntone suggests it for playlists containing an url. I am not 100% shure if this is correct though.

bitevader commented 2 weeks ago

Problems and problems. When you try a new feature it won't work. It seems impossible to set it up without investigating, guessing and finally having to ask somebody with lots of experience. Latest case in place is playing an .mp3 file which won't work. The log: owntone.log.txt

hacketiwack commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, I can't help you with the arecord command. Never used it myself.

I also don't know from what comes the error below:

[2024-05-04 21:18:04] [  LOG]    xcode: Error while feeding the filtergraph: Invalid argument
[2024-05-04 21:18:05] [  LOG]   player: Error reading source '/home/pi/Music/Ascenseur.mp3' (id=4)
[2024-05-04 21:18:05] [  LOG]   player: Error reading from source

I never saw that before.

My recommendation to troubleshoot would be to test bit by bit. First make a default installation of OwnTone with one directory containing one audio file. And then ramp up in complication.

bitevader commented 2 weeks ago

Oh Jesus, thanks anyway.

bitevader commented 2 weeks ago

hacketiwack, you gave me a clue with mentioning 'arecord'-command. So I changed the type from 'raw' to 'wav' in the call and bingo, mp3 playing worked. But making a similar change for 'mystream' still didn't solve 'the save playlist - problem'. It remains the same, it won't play! Maybe I have to raise a price for solving it?