owntracks / ios

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Connect owntracks to traccar via http #654

Closed Necriso closed 3 years ago

Necriso commented 3 years ago


I've problems to connect owntracks to traccar, i don't now what settings i should use. I take a look at https://owntracks.org/booklet/features/traccar/ I do similiar settings in traccar and and in the owntracks app, but every time i get an error 400

Is there a step by step tutorial how i can connect owntracks to traccar?

jpmens commented 3 years ago

Please show us the individual steps you've taken to configure Traccar and your OwnTracks app. (Do not show us passwords of course.)

Necriso commented 3 years ago

This is my configuration:

traccar owntracks
jpmens commented 3 years ago

Have you configured the OwnTracks protocol in Traccar?

<entry key='owntracks.port'>5144</entry>

and what do the Traccar logs show you when you try to publish a position from OwnTracks by tapping on the up-arrow on the OwnTracks map page?

Necriso commented 3 years ago

Yes, owntracks.port ist configured by default. I've checked it in the config file.

The Traccar logs shows HEX output only:

removed hex because it contains the ip

But if i take the sample payload from the booklet page, change the topic to the one from the screenshot above and send a post request via postman it works.

So i think there is something with wrong with the configuration in owntracks app

jpmens commented 3 years ago

I see a {"_type":"encrypted","data": in the data your iPhone is submitting to Traccar. This means you've configured an encryption key. Traccar doesn't support that. You'll have to remove the encryption key entirely in the OwnTracks config on the phone, please.

Necriso commented 3 years ago

Hmm but the Input "Secret encryption key" is empty. How else can I remove it?

Necriso commented 3 years ago

Ok, i deleted the app and download it again from the AppStore. Now it works. I don't know why the encryption key is not deleted if the input is empty.

Maybe a bug?

jpmens commented 3 years ago

Did you per chance export your configuration before deleting the app? If so we could check in the .otrc output.

Glad you got it working. :-)

Necriso commented 3 years ago

yes, i exported it before i deleted the app. Here it is:

  "maxHistory" : 0,
  "positions" : 50,
  "sub" : true,
  "locked" : false,
  "deviceId" : "922752",
  "ranging" : false,
  "monitoring" : -1,
  "cmd" : false,
  "tid" : "",
  "allowRemoteLocation" : true,
  "_type" : "configuration",
  "url" : "http:\/\/example.com:5144",
  "ignoreStaleLocations" : 0,
  "waypoints" : [

  "allowinvalidcerts" : false,
  "usePassword" : false,
  "auth" : true,
  "locatorInterval" : 180,
  "extendedData" : true,
  "ignoreInaccurateLocations" : 0,
  "locatorDisplacement" : 200,
  "mode" : 3,
  "password" : "",
  "username" : "emre"
jpmens commented 3 years ago

Ah, that was stupid of me: for security reasons we don’t export (or import) the security key, so there’s nothing to see there. Thanks for your help. If you are able to reproduce the issue with the encryption secret key, please don’t hesitate of open a new issue.