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Can't manually share location due to disabled map interaction #809

Open andysc opened 1 week ago

andysc commented 1 week ago

in every mode (quiet / manual / significant / move) the share icon in top right corner of map view is greyed out and can not be pressed.

I have checked that OwnTracks has permission to access my location, and it reports entry/exit from geofences correctly. I usually operate in "significant" mode.

I've never tried this before, but now I want to be able to manually publish my location sometimes, so I don't know how long this has been a problem.

jpmens commented 1 week ago

Is map interaction disabled? Click on the folded map icon (2nd from left on top of app) and answer the questions positively, please.

Disabled map interaction also disables "publish now".

andysc commented 1 week ago

Thank you JP - answering yes to the questions has fixed it. In fact, just the first one is enough (do I want the map to allow interaction?). Thank you :) You can close this now!

jpmens commented 1 week ago

Glad you got it sorted.

andysc commented 1 week ago

Thank you :)

tmlmt commented 1 day ago

The same thing happened to me the other day. Didn't check github and decided to reinstall the app and reconfigure my endpoint to recover the ability to manually send a location.

I basically couldn't find out what to do at the time: it felt weird that the button was disabled even in the "Manual" mode. I would suggest (feature request) to add a tooltip in that specific case with the instructions on how to re-enable the manual button.

andysc commented 22 hours ago

I agree - it's certainly not obvious that you have to turn on "do I want the map to allow interaction?" in order to send my current coordinates. I consider that to be a work-around rather than what you should do to activate this feature. Just have it active all the time - it should never be greyed out, IMHO... is there a use-case for greying it out and stopping someone reporting their location?

jpmens commented 21 hours ago

I'm reopening this now, as it would seem we need to address this.. My recollection is that the feature was added because we had users who complained that map interaction and reverse geo lookups would be reporting their positions to Apple servers. In view of the fact users can switch to using OSM for map tiles, we might need to rethink this position?

andysc commented 20 hours ago

So is the (continued logic) that if you want to report your location manually, but don't realise the reverse lookup is turned on, you might inadvertently give your location to Apple/whoever ? Do we need a pop up saying "geo lookup is on - are you sure? "(+ don't show me this again), to remind people it's turned on? Or have a little icon on the map page that is a constant reminder geo lookup is turned on, and let people take responsibility for their own actions? I can see arguments several ways for this :)

jpmens commented 19 hours ago

a popup with a reminder wouldn't do anything useful as people forget they've clicked on that; I think that's what happened to you when you clicked the folded map off? ;-)

tbh I think this is roughly the first time (two) in which somebody (inadvertently) disables interaction...

ckrey commented 19 hours ago

OMG this is way too complicated for me and for all the users. We need less popups not more. We already have an indication that no current location is available in form of the greyed share button.

We introduced the question whether to use map interaction as a response to a user request in #696 ... and made things more complex!

We have 2 source of location updates in the app

  1. one is controlled by the modes (move, significant, manual, quiet)

  2. the other is the map when map interaction is enabled

  3. is not the appropriate choice for manually sharing the current location because the last location available is probably outdated if the app is not in move mode.

  4. The current user location shown on the map is probably what the user wants to share, but this is only available when the map is in interactive mode.

Probably we have to introduce a 3rd location source receiving permanent location updates (as in move mode) but without invoking the backend calls as the map does ... adding more complexity.

jpmens commented 18 hours ago

Let's please not add more complexity