owntracks / recorder

Store and access data published by OwnTracks apps
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No logs in Docker output #426

Closed mbrennan closed 11 months ago

mbrennan commented 11 months ago


I was able to get the Recorder to successfully connect to my broker after struggling for quite some time. It turned out the problem was I am using the websockets protocol on my Mosquitto broker which was not compatible with the Recorder. I opened up another listener on a different port in Mosquitto with protocol 'mosquito' and had the Recorder connect to the new listener. This seemed to connect successfully as I can see output in the mosquitto logs for my Recorder user and running ocat --list shows: {"results":["me"]}

However, I still don't see any data in my Recorder when I visit the web interface and look at the table. I tried to see if there are any interesting things in the log in the Recorder but the log is empty. When I run the recorder from the Docker image's command line directly, I can see some output but all seems well. I don't know why I can't see the output in the Docker log (the logs work fine for the 43 other containers I'm running.

How can I get the Recorder to output the logs correctly to stdout? It seems like it has something to do with the --logfacility switch. Why can't I see any data in my Recorder?

jpmens commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your report. I see we caused this issue in https://github.com/owntracks/recorder/issues/398 when we checked isatty in order to determine whether a console is available to avoid duplicate log output.

jpmens commented 11 months ago

Regarding the missing data: could you please launch the container with a console docker run ... -it, publish a location, and report what you see on the console?

jpmens commented 11 months ago

We have released ot-recorder version 0.9.5 and docker images have been published which hopefully solve the issue with the logs; docker logs should now show the Recorder's log, including startup messages.

jpmens commented 11 months ago

0.9.6 is out.

jpmens commented 11 months ago

I am closing this now as this issue concerns mainly docker logging.

Please open a new issue if you require help with "missing data". Thanks!