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or-recorder not receiving any data from ownTracks via MQTT #123

Closed segdy closed 3 years ago

segdy commented 3 years ago

So after long back and forth I decided to set up mosquitto and let ownTracks send location over MQTT.

ownTracks on my iPhone says: "Status: Connected". So I assume MQTT connection from iPhone to MQTT server works.

I am using the ot-recorder docker image and it seems MQTT etc. works there too:

root@harbor:~# docker run -p 8083:8083 -v owntracks_store:/store -e OTR_HOST=mqtt.example.net -e OTR_PORT=8883 -e OTR_USER=ot-recorder -e OTR_PASS=XXXXXXXXXXXXX -e OTR_CAPATH=/etc/ssl/certs/ owntracks/recorder
ot-recorder[12]: version 0.8.6 starting with STORAGEDIR=/store
ot-recorder[12]: connecting to MQTT on mqtt.example.net:8883 as clientID ot-recorder-386db77e34db-12 with TLS
ot-recorder[12]: HTTP listener started on
ot-recorder[12]: Using storage at /store with precision 7
ot-recorder[12]: Subscribing to owntracks/# (qos=2)

However, the table of current locations is empty (since yesterday). I walked around, opened ownTracks app a few times.

What could be the reason?

segdy commented 3 years ago

I debugged via

mosquitto_sub -t 'owntracks/#' -u miphone -P XXXXX

and there is definitely no data arriving at MQTT level.

If I explicitely "Publish Waypoints" I only get


I'll re-post in iOS app.