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Tracking aircraft with Owntracks #54

Closed vielmetti closed 4 years ago

vielmetti commented 5 years ago

I'm using


to feed ADS-B data from a dump1090 based system for tracking airplane locations into Owntracks. It's pretty nifty, I've collected 2000+ aircraft and flight tracks in only two days from my location near enough to Detroit Metro Airport to get a bunch of their traffic.

If anyone else is using this code (or is interested in it) I'd love to compare notes.

Thanks @jpmens for the original code from two years back, just got time to dust it off in a new configuration that works pretty well.

jpmens commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your report, @vielmetti, and for your kind words. I'm glad it's of use to you, and please don't hesitate to suggest or better yet provide improvements.

vielmetti commented 5 years ago

By taking owntracks data, munging it up some, following the instructions from several tutorials, and generally bumbling around, I was able to generate this graph of the airspace that I can see around my house:

screen shot 2018-11-24 at 1 42 10 am

The visualization was done with plot3D and plotrgl which are packages in R. I found this tutorial to be helpful for visualization and would be intrigued to think that it might be helpful for other visualizations of other Owntracks data sets.


vielmetti commented 5 years ago

I wrote up what I learned here (so I won't forget it) as "Visualizing airplane tracks with dump1090, Owntracks, R and scatter3D()"


jpmens commented 5 years ago

Thank you, @vielmetti. If I could please ask you for a favor: in the first paragraph you write

It's written by JP Mens

and I get the impression you mean the works of OwnTracks are by me, but that's inaccurate. While I created the idea, the mobile apps were written by Christoph Krey and Alexander Rust; I just cobbled bits of the backend together.

Could you fix that?

vielmetti commented 5 years ago

Fixed! First paragraph now reads

JP Mens created the idea and developed the back end server; the mobile apps for Owntracks are by Christoph Krey and Alexander Rust.