Pentester's Tools Parser (PTP) provides an unified way to retrieve the information from all (final goal) automated pentesting tools and assign an automated ranking for each finding.
Would be nice to create at least one tests for Wapiti parser. What I would be looking for is to create a sample report from Wapiti like the other tests (for Arachni for instance).
@DoomTaper do you think that you could kindly take care of this as well? Let me know if you can't, since the release deadline is approaching very quickly.
Would be nice to create at least one tests for Wapiti parser. What I would be looking for is to create a sample report from Wapiti like the other tests (for Arachni for instance).
@DoomTaper do you think that you could kindly take care of this as well? Let me know if you can't, since the release deadline is approaching very quickly.