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ORDS Reporting Improvements #743

Open jajwilson opened 8 years ago

jajwilson commented 8 years ago

I've summarized what would constitute helpful ORDS reporting below. Within Oxford it would be handy to have a copy of the usage report sent to ords@it.ox.ac.uk every week, but this email address will need to be in the config file so that other universities setting up their own instances can alter it to suit their environment.

Automated reports should be generated once per week, for the App interface only. Reports should specify the following: • Number of current live projects, and number of current live projects that are publicly accessible • Number of current trial projects, and number of current live projects that are publicly accessible • Number of live projects that have been accessed within last 12 months • Number of trial projects that have been accessed within last 12 months • Number of live projects closed over last 12 months • Number of trial projects closed over last 12 months • List of projects, their status (trial or full), their project owners, their last date of access Reports should be automatically emailed to the email address provided in the config file once the ORDS software is open-sourced. This is so that each institution running the ORDS gets the relevant reports.

thestoat commented 8 years ago

A lot of this has been done - please re-assign to me if you need more information than is currently supplied.

MerielP commented 8 years ago

A quick query about this issue: do the changes that have been made to the reporting include the date each project was last accessed?

(Howard is keen for us to track not just how many people are using ORDS, but how frequently they are signing in, so if this part of the reporting hasn't yet been implemented, this issue may get bumped up the priority list. I'm assuming that the changes won't actually kick in until we do the fabled final build to App, though!)

thestoat commented 8 years ago

Currently the reports get sent to ords@it... Do you see them? The date a project was last accessed isn't reported - I shall add that (and any other things you ask for) under this issue. I'll bump this to critical else I'll forget ...

MerielP commented 8 years ago

I do see the reports, but I was working on the assumption that as the reports only give information about projects on App, we probably weren't getting the most recent version of them (and wouldn't until we next build to App). Is that not the case - is the reporting handled via a different process?

It would certainly be good to have the date last accessed info - though unless it can be done really quickly and easily, I think this is probably less high up the priority list than some of the other critical issues.

MerielP commented 8 years ago

A quick question regarding how the date last accessed info would work: would this just show when someone last logged in to the ORDS web interface, or would it also show access via ODBC?

thestoat commented 8 years ago

In the first instance it would not involve ODBC. This could be done but we'd need Sysdev to set up triggers on all the databases, including any new ones, to give us that information. Remember that when using ODBC, ORDS is not involved at all beyond the initial set up phase. Let me know if you need ODBC - for the moment I shall assume just users accessing a project page.

thestoat commented 8 years ago

I have made changes for the date the project was last accessed. Currently that will be updated when the user visits the project information page (i.e. the page that shows project databases, members, etc). Please let me know if you need this anywhere else. Reporting now reports this information too. Let me know if any other reporting information is required.