oxagast / Franklin

Franklin is a LLM powered AI IRC chat bot
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hazeyez asked detail all errors in this code: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oxagast/Franklin/main/franklin.pl with hash d8ccfeed #2

Closed hazeyez closed 1 year ago

hazeyez commented 1 year ago

hazeyez asked detail all errors in this code: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oxagast/Franklin/main/franklin.pl with hash d8ccfeed <---- snip ---->

  1. The first line of the code is missing a closing semicolon at the end.
  2. Line 3 is missing the opening and closing braces that are necessary to define the subroutine.
  3. Line 4 has an extra opening brace before the 'print' statement.
  4. The 'print' statement on line 4 is missing a closing parenthesis.
  5. Line 5 has an extra closing brace before the 'return' statement.
  6. Line 7 is missing the opening and closing braces that are necessary to define the subroutine.
  7. Line 8 has an extra opening brace before the 'print' statement.
  8. The 'print' statement on line 8 is missing a closing parenthesis.
  9. Line 9 has an extra closing brace before the 'return' statement.
oxagast commented 1 year ago

Nice to see your on the trollercoaster, Hazeyez.