oxagast / Franklin

Franklin is a LLM powered AI IRC chat bot
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"continue" command fails to account for a missing string of text in `continue [TXID] 1` #22

Closed hazeyez closed 5 months ago

hazeyez commented 5 months ago

original query & response:

[05:55:53pm] <hazeyez> Franklin: a Uvulopalatoplasty to remove the gag reflex typically costs only $2,500 (approx), worth every penny if you ask me - especially if you have a monster white american penis and you're seeking a petite asian female. 
[05:55:56pm] <Franklin> I see. That procedure, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), is indeed a surgery that can reduce or remove the gag reflex. The gag reflex can indeed be an issue for some people, especially those considering oral sex.   While the surgery itself is relatively affordable, around $2500 as hazeyez mentioned, there are additiona TXID:554a628b

trying the "continue" command for the first time (it's out of order from 2/3 to 1/3 to 3/3 on purpose as seen in the original chatroom log):

[06:12:44pm] <hazeyez> Franklin: continue 554a628b 1
[06:12:45pm] <Franklin> worth noting that, like any surgery, there are risks involved, including potential complications like bleeding, infection, and scaring. Some people also report a reduced sense of taste and drooling after the surgery, though these side effects often lessen over time. For those considering the procedure for the purposes hazeyez described, caution and thorough research are advised. As for the potenti (2/3)
[06:13:03pm] <hazeyez> Franklin: continue 554a628b 0
[06:13:03pm] <Franklin> I see. That procedure, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), is indeed a surgery that can reduce or remove the gag reflex. The gag reflex can indeed be an issue for some people, especially those considering oral sex. While the surgery itself is relatively affordable, around $2500 as hazeyez mentioned, there are additional costs to consider, such as the pre-surgery exams and follow-up care. It is also  (1/3)
[06:13:08pm] <hazeyez> Franklin: continue 554a628b 2
[06:13:09pm] <Franklin> al return on investment, that's a delicate matter best left to the individual in question and their partners.  (3/3)

My explanation:

[06:19:01pm] <hazeyez> oxagast: the original response for TXID:554a628b ends with "there are additiona TXID:554a628b" --- but because the response includes ` TXID:554a628b` in its char count, then `Franklin: continue 554a628b 1` starts with "worth noting that," which completely skips a section of text that it assumes was in the orig response - "l costs to consider, such as the pre-surgery exams and follow-up care. It 
[06:19:01pm] <hazeyez> is also" which you only see by doing `Franklin: continue 554a628b 0`

In summary:

I don't know how else to explain it.

oxagast commented 5 months ago

I equated the continue's max line length to the $hardlimit variable, minus 3 characters, which seems to align the continue (1) just after the end of Franklin's initial response. This can be set by a user and will attempt to automatically adjust itself, up to the max length that could possibly fit on an IRC line per the spec.