Closed cristianpoleyJS closed 5 months ago
Using lint-staged
"lint-staged": { "*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": [ "biome format --write --no-errors-on-unmatched", "oxlint -c .eslintrc.json --import-plugin --jest-plugin --max-warnings=0 --ignore-pattern '!.storybook' --ignore-pattern '!.storybook/main.ts' --ignore-pattern '!.storybook/preview.js'" ] },
And I want to reuse the configuration I have from my eslintrc.json:
{ "extends": [ "react-app", "plugin:no-lookahead-lookbehind-regexp/recommended", "plugin:playwright/playwright-test", "plugin:oxlint/recommended" ], "plugins": ["my-custom-plugin", "jest"], "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", "parserOptions": { "project": "./tsconfig.json", "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": true, "globalReturn": false }, "ecmaVersion": 2020, "sourceType": "module" }, "rules": { "no-debugger": 2, "no-console": 1, "my-custom-plugin/no-date-parse": 1, "my-custom-plugin/no-new-date": 1, "my-custom-plugin/no-make-styles": 0, "my-custom-plugin/no-spread-icon-import": 2, "my-custom-plugin/no-barrel-material-import": 2, "my-custom-plugin/no-unscoped-lodash-imports": 2, "my-custom-plugin/required-playwright-test-setup": 2, "my-custom-plugin/no-notistack-imports": 1, "my-custom-plugin/icon-name-match-filename": 2, "my-custom-plugin/no-playwright-test-import": 2, "playwright/no-conditional-in-test": 0, "playwright/no-force-option": 0, "playwright/no-skipped-test": 1, "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports": 1, "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment": [ "error", { "ts-expect-error": "allow-with-description", "ts-ignore": "allow-with-description", "ts-nocheck": "allow-with-description", "minimumDescriptionLength": 10 } ], "my-custom-plugin/prefer-my-component": [ <!--- THIS IS THE RULE "warn", { "paths": [ "@mui/material/Tab", "@mui/material/Button", "@mui/material/Tooltip", "@mui/material/Chip", "@mui/material/Select", "@mui/material/Tab/Tab", "@mui/material/Button/Button", "@mui/material/Tooltip/Tooltip", "@mui/material/Chip/Chip", "@mui/material/Select/Select" ] } ], "jest/no-focused-tests": "error", "jest/no-identical-title": "error" }, "overrides": [ { "files": ["**/*.stories.*"], "rules": { "import/no-anonymous-default-export": "off" } }, { "files": ["src/**/*.{ts,tsx}"], "rules": { "playwright/missing-playwright-await": 0 } }, { "env": { "commonjs": true, "node": true, "browser": false, "es6": true }, "files": ["config/jest/*.{ts,js}"], "parser": "@babel/eslint-parser", "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 11, "sourceType": "script" } }, { "env": { "commonjs": true, "node": true, "browser": false, "es6": true, "jest": false }, "files": ["jest.config.js", "scripts/*.js", "eslint-plugin-my-custom-plugin/**/*.js"], "parser": "@babel/eslint-parser", "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 11, "sourceType": "script" } }, { "files": "scripts/*.ts", "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", "parserOptions": { "project": "./scripts/tsconfig.json", "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": false, "globalReturn": false }, "ecmaVersion": 2020, "sourceType": "module" } }, { "files": "scripts/esbuild-jest/src/*.ts", "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", "parserOptions": { "project": "./scripts/esbuild-jest/tsconfig.json", "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": false, "globalReturn": false }, "ecmaVersion": 2020, "sourceType": "module" } } ], "ignorePatterns": ["scripts/esbuild-jest/dist/index.js"] }
But when I do commits using that rule (or even when I run npx oxlint) oxlint does not handler of this warning and I can commit without problem:
npx oxlint
➜ app git:(oxlint) ✗ git commit -m "warning import" ✔ Preparing lint-staged... ✔ Running tasks for staged files... ✔ Applying modifications from tasks... ✔ Cleaning up temporary files... [oxlint e76100d66] test 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
Hello, my understanding is:
So the behavior is good: oxlint does not report anything. You should have a separate eslint config for eslint and oxlint in this case
And I want to reuse the configuration I have from my
:But when I do commits using that rule (or even when I run
npx oxlint
) oxlint does not handler of this warning and I can commit without problem: