Open Lucifer1903 opened 4 years ago
This probably needs to be fleshed out more as coin burn for Session feature. What would need to be established is what features are free and which involve a cost. I look at this in the same light as classified ad services that use the freemium model that have pay features to increase exposure or persistence of a post. There likely is a need to further discuss if Session would want to elevate something to have more persistence or interaction like a vote and the impact on the UX, like making voting systems available in a swing out sidebar for example. Voting is one feature but there are others that may be incorporated that warrant a coin burn to keep overuse in check and also highlighting the fact whatever was being put forward was of enough significance someone paid a small amount to initiate it. Depending on how much influence they have on the UX behavior in highlighting the features importance against the background of posts and tying up additional attention or resources. I'd like to broaden the scope of this to potential payment for premium Session services. This probably would start with a list of those features that would be added that would be free to ensure that the free UX is up to snuff with competitors then expanding on other features that fall into this category.
I propose an anonymous voting service as a premium feature for Session.
Within a Session group chat a user could create a voting Session which would consist of a blockchain transaction that sends 0.000000001 loki to everyone in the group and a message that displays the voting options which represent different burn addresses. In the background each Session client will make sure that the correct amount of tokens have been created for the amount of people in the group. All the 0.000000001 amounts would be marked on the blockchain as colored tokens and not be used in regular transactions. When a voting option is selected and a token is sent to the corresponding burn address the decoy inputs are selected from voting tokens of the same color (i.e. Tokens from a different voting session can't be used as decoys).
After a period of time the history of the voting session can be removed from the blockchain as the tokens can't be used in regular transactions, they only use tokens of the same color for decoys, and will either be burnt or never used. The only history that needs to be kept is that a certain about of loki was burnt.
The fee to create a voting session would be paid by the user that created it and include the cost for creating the tokens and the cost for users to burn the tokens after they receive them. This is to allow tokens to be sent to a burn address even if users don't have any loki in their wallets. The fee would be calculated based on how many people are within the group chat and how long the voting history should stay on the blockchain.
I believe this would be a very useful feature that would greatly help with burning loki.