oxford-pharmacoepi / THIN_incidence_prevalence_colorectal_cancer

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to remove the filters to grab the participants from incidenceprevalence and do it directly #4

Open daniellenewby opened 1 month ago

daniellenewby commented 1 month ago

Although we are using renv the participants function will be remove in future versions. To make the code simplier i propose to remove this section of the code and do it programmatically (have checked this and the participant numbers are the same but less code is required) old way https://github.com/oxford-pharmacoepi/THIN_incidence_prevalence_colorectal_cancer/blob/9f9df5d4adf93093f5e403bfea3bbaaeaaa6b83b/2_Study/2_Analysis/survival.R#L8

replace with something like this https://github.com/oxford-pharmacoepi/OPTIMA_incidence_survival/blob/c632c2ecd3bead401a1ffbcd719e58a55f32af57/2_Study/2_Analysis/survival.R#L5