oxford-pharmacoepi / Tidy-R-programming-with-OMOP

Tidy R programming with the OMOP common data model
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Sprint on book before February? #7

Open ablack3 opened 7 months ago

ablack3 commented 7 months ago

@vperaEMC Is teaching some Master's students in Feb. It would be nice to have a first version of the book out for people to learn from. @edward-burn can we plan a sprint on this and maybe move it to Darwin github?

edward-burn commented 7 months ago

Sure @ablack3 let's get it over the line after Christmas

vperaEMC commented 7 months ago

Sounds good, @edward-burn . I am prepping a flow of R files (and looking into Rmarkdown) so it's easier for our incoming (pharmacy) students to analyse IPCI data. By default, most pharmacy students don't have (much) programming experience, but with the right materials (and some on-sight help) they can do anything! :)

edward-burn commented 7 months ago

Hi @vperaEMC, hopefully the current form of the book can already be useful https://dpa-pde-oxford.quarto.pub/an-introduction-to-tidy-r-programming-with-the-omop-common-data-model/#preface. The book is released with this license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/, so feel free to share or adapt.