Switch to the sigmaexporter-plugin branch (https://github.com/oxfordinternetinstitute/gephi-plugins/tree/sigmaexporter-plugin/modules/sigmaExporter) or jsonexporter-plugin branch (https://github.com/oxfordinternetinstitute/gephi-plugins/tree/jsonexporter-plugin/modules/JsonExporter) for the relevant code.
Testing shows default z-value is 0, but it is probably unwise to assume 0 means a z-value has not been set. Need to provide an option to "Include z-coordinate even if zero" in export.
New layout algorithms (e.g., https://marketplace.gephi.org/plugin/force-atlas-3d/ ) produce 3D layouts with z-coordinates. Export these when saving JSON if present.
Does this need to be an option in the export?
It doesn't seem there is a designated missing value. http://gephi.org/docs/api/org/gephi/graph/api/NodeData.html http://gephi.org/docs/api/org/gephi/graph/api/Spatial.html#z()
Testing shows default z-value is 0, but it is probably unwise to assume 0 means a z-value has not been set. Need to provide an option to "Include z-coordinate even if zero" in export.