oxfordmmm / gnomonicus

Python code to integrate results of tb-pipeline and provide an antibiogram, mutations and variants
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gnomonicus version #27

Closed alantsangmb closed 11 months ago

alantsangmb commented 11 months ago

Hello, @JeremyWesthead @philipwfowler
I have trouble determining the version of the gnomonicus that I am currently using. Could you please let me know how I can determine the version of gnomonicus and if there is a command that I can use to check this information? Thank you in advance for your time.

philipwfowler commented 11 months ago

Hi @alantsangmb , glad to hear you are trying out our code. It is under very active development at the moment and I notice that we don't have a way of reporting the release version via a command line flag (--version) as one might expect. Is that what you mean? Out of interest what are you are using it for?

alantsangmb commented 11 months ago

Thank you for developing this incredibly useful tool. I am currently utilizing gnomonicus to predict drug susceptibility. I am aware that it is still under development and subject to periodic updates. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate if I could obtain information regarding the specific version I used from a command line flag (--version) for traceability purposes.

alantsangmb commented 11 months ago

In the meantime, I have discovered that I can find the version information from the docker image overlay directory. Therefore, I am now closing this issue. Thank you so much.

JeremyWesthead commented 11 months ago

Hi, Sorry, I completely forgot to add a --version flag to the CLI - it will be added in future. For now, other than the docker version, you should be able to see the version in a few other places:

  1. Programmatically via Python - import gnomonicus then print(gnomonicus.__version__)
    • This could be used as a 1 line bash: python3 -c "import gnomonicus;print(gnomonicus.__version__)"
  2. Within the meta block of the json output
  3. Via pip: pip show gnomonicus
alantsangmb commented 11 months ago

Thank you so much indeed.