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Omicron: Oxide control plane
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Delete bgp-config endpoint contains a full table scan #5546

Open augustuswm opened 4 months ago

augustuswm commented 4 months ago

We attempted to run a BGP config delete on the colo rack (running v7) and ran encountered the following 500:

00:10:01.575Z INFO 1cfdb5b6-e568-436a-a85f-7fecf1b8eef2 (dropshot_external_techport): request completed
    error_message_external = Internal Server Error
    error_message_internal = unexpected database error: query `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config" WHERE ("switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config"."bgp_config_id" = $1)` contains a full table/index scan which is explicitly disallowed
    file = /home/build/.cargo/git/checkouts/dropshot-a4a923d29dccc492/29ae98d/dropshot/src/server.rs:837
    latency_us = 37389
    local_addr = [fd00:1122:3344:10e::3]:12228
    method = DELETE
    remote_addr = [fd00:1122:3344:11f::2]:55422
    req_id = 9948d5fb-0019-496a-8ed4-da263f226f08
    response_code = 500
    uri = //v1/system/networking/bgp?name_or_id=6cd5ea03-2a64-4f9a-b469-c337c44795a6

This count query looks to be used to check if a BGP configuration is currently in use prior to deletion.

david-crespo commented 4 months ago

This could be fixed by adding an index, but this probably doesn't need to be a count either. We can use an exists query, though that might still need the index.

We might be able to simply attempt the update with an on_conflict to trigger the error if there already is something there. Edit: I see the count and update are about two different tables, so the on_conflict thing probably won't do it.


internet-diglett commented 4 months ago

Did some verification in an a4x2 environment. It appears the most straightforward solve for this is to add an index, since we're not calling filter on the table's primary key:

root@[fd00:1122:3344:101::3]:32221/omicron> SHOW CREATE switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config;
               table_name              |                                                     create_statement
  switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config | CREATE TABLE public.switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config (
                                       |     port_settings_id UUID NOT NULL,
                                       |     bgp_config_id UUID NOT NULL,
                                       |     interface_name STRING NOT NULL,
                                       |     addr INET NOT NULL,
                                       |     hold_time INT8 NULL,
                                       |     idle_hold_time INT8 NULL,
                                       |     delay_open INT8 NULL,
                                       |     connect_retry INT8 NULL,
                                       |     keepalive INT8 NULL,
                                       |     CONSTRAINT switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config_pkey PRIMARY KEY (port_settings_id ASC, interface_name ASC, addr ASC)
                                       | )
(1 row)

Also, for observability purposes in the future, it's not unreasonable for us to want to filter for any bgp_peer_config that is associated with a specific bgp_config_id, so this index may have ended up getting added sooner or later anyway.

Without Index

root@[fd00:1122:3344:101::3]:32221/omicron> EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config" WHERE ("switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config"."bgp_con
fig_id" = '02641c1f-4b04-485d-b9fb-ee3945ee022f');
  distribution: local
  vectorized: true

  • group (scalar)
  │ estimated row count: 1
  └── • filter
      │ estimated row count: 1
      │ filter: bgp_config_id = '02641c1f-4b04-485d-b9fb-ee3945ee022f'
      └── • scan
            estimated row count: 1 (100% of the table; stats collected 57 minutes ago)
            table: switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config@switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config_pkey
            spans: FULL SCAN

  index recommendations: 1
  1. type: index creation
     SQL command: CREATE INDEX ON switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config (bgp_config_id);
(18 rows)

Time: 2ms total (execution 2ms / network 1ms)

With Index

root@[fd00:1122:3344:101::3]:32221/omicron> CREATE INDEX ON switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config (bgp_config_id);

Time: 1.354s total (execution 1.354s / network 0.000s)

root@[fd00:1122:3344:101::3]:32221/omicron> EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config" WHERE ("switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config"."bgp_config_id" = '02641c1f-4b04-485d-b9fb-ee3945ee022f');
  distribution: local
  vectorized: true

  • group (scalar)
  │ estimated row count: 1
  └── • scan
        estimated row count: 1 (100% of the table; stats collected 59 minutes ago)
        table: switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config@switch_port_settings_bgp_peer_config_bgp_config_id_idx
        spans: [/'02641c1f-4b04-485d-b9fb-ee3945ee022f' - /'02641c1f-4b04-485d-b9fb-ee3945ee022f']
(10 rows)

Time: 2ms total (execution 1ms / network 0ms)
internet-diglett commented 4 months ago

I think I have a rough idea of how we could rewrite this as a CTE, but I don't think the juice is worth the squeeze at this point, and we're not going to have a lot of entries in these tables relative to our other tables, so I don't foresee the index being that costly in the grand scheme of things.