oxidecomputer / omicron

Omicron: Oxide control plane
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omicron-common build failing due to progenitor #6691

Closed andrewjstone closed 2 days ago

andrewjstone commented 3 days ago

This test failed on a CI run on PR 6627:


Log showing the specific test failure:


Excerpt from the log showing the failure:

628 | 2024-09-26T18:57:24.588Z | Checking mg-admin-client v0.1.0 (https://github.com/oxidecomputer/maghemite?rev=9e0fe45ca3862176dc31ad8cc83f605f8a7e1a42#9e0fe45c)
-- | -- | --
629 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.419Z | error[E0277]: `?` couldn't convert the error to `progenitor::progenitor_client::Error<types::Error>`
630 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/git/checkouts/maghemite-de41bdd6c14939ab/9e0fe45/mg-admin-client/src/lib.rs:19:1
631 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | \|
632 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | 19 \| );
633 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | \| ^ the trait `From<reqwest::Error>` is not implemented for `progenitor::progenitor_client::Error<types::Error>`, which is required by `Result<ResponseValue<std::vec::Vec<BfdPeerInfo>>, progenitor::progenitor_client::Error<types::Error>>: FromResidual<Result<Infallible, reqwest::Error>>`
634 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | \|
635 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | = note: the question mark operation (`?`) implicitly performs a conversion on the error value using the `From` trait
636 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | = help: the following other types implement trait `From<T>`:
637 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | <progenitor::progenitor_client::Error<E> as From<http::header::value::InvalidHeaderValue>>
638 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | <progenitor::progenitor_client::Error<E> as From<reqwest::error::Error>>
639 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | = note: required for `Result<ResponseValue<std::vec::Vec<BfdPeerInfo>>, progenitor::progenitor_client::Error<types::Error>>` to implement `FromResidual<Result<Infallible, reqwest::Error>>`
640 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z | = note: this error originates in the macro `progenitor::generate_api` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
641 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.420Z |  
642 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.451Z | error[E0308]: mismatched types
643 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.451Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/git/checkouts/maghemite-de41bdd6c14939ab/9e0fe45/mg-admin-client/src/lib.rs:5:1
644 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.451Z | \|
645 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.451Z | 5  \| / progenitor::generate_api!(
646 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.451Z | 6  \| \|     spec = "../openapi/mg-admin.json",
647 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.451Z | 7  \| \|     inner_type = slog::Logger,
648 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.451Z | 8  \| \|     pre_hook = (\|log: &slog::Logger, request: &reqwest::Request\| {
649 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | ...  \|
650 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | 18 \| \|     derives = [schemars::JsonSchema],
651 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | 19 \| \| );
652 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \| \| ^
653 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \| \| \|
654 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \| \|_expected `Response`, found a different `Response`
655 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \|   arguments to this function are incorrect
656 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \|
657 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | = note: `Response` and `Response` have similar names, but are actually distinct types
658 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | note: `Response` is defined in crate `reqwest`
659 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/reqwest-0.11.27/src/async_impl/response.rs:25:1
660 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \|
661 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | 25 \| pub struct Response {
662 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
663 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | note: `Response` is defined in crate `reqwest`
664 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/reqwest-0.12.7/src/async_impl/response.rs:29:1
665 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \|
666 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | 29 \| pub struct Response {
667 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
668 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | = note: perhaps two different versions of crate `reqwest` are being used?
669 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | note: associated function defined here
670 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/git/checkouts/progenitor-639bd64206ac5e43/1a30d67/progenitor-client/src/progenitor_client.rs:66:18
671 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | \|
672 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.452Z | 66 \|     pub async fn from_response<E: std::fmt::Debug>(
673 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.453Z | \|                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
674 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.453Z | = note: this error originates in the macro `progenitor::generate_api` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
675 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.453Z |  
676 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | error[E0308]: mismatched types
677 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/git/checkouts/maghemite-de41bdd6c14939ab/9e0fe45/mg-admin-client/src/lib.rs:5:1
678 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | \|
679 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | 5   \| / progenitor::generate_api!(
680 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | 6   \| \|     spec = "../openapi/mg-admin.json",
681 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | 7   \| \|     inner_type = slog::Logger,
682 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | 8   \| \|     pre_hook = (\|log: &slog::Logger, request: &reqwest::Request\| {
683 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | ...   \|
684 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | 18  \| \|     derives = [schemars::JsonSchema],
685 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | 19  \| \| );
686 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | \| \| ^
687 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | \| \| \|
688 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | \| \|_expected `Response`, found a different `Response`
689 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | \|   arguments to this enum variant are incorrect
690 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | \|
691 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | = note: `Response` and `Response` have similar names, but are actually distinct types
692 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | note: `Response` is defined in crate `reqwest`
693 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/reqwest-0.11.27/src/async_impl/response.rs:25:1
694 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.458Z | \|
695 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | 25  \| pub struct Response {
696 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | \| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
697 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | note: `Response` is defined in crate `reqwest`
698 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/reqwest-0.12.7/src/async_impl/response.rs:29:1
699 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | \|
700 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | 29  \| pub struct Response {
701 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | \| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
702 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | = note: perhaps two different versions of crate `reqwest` are being used?
703 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | note: tuple variant defined here
704 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/git/checkouts/progenitor-639bd64206ac5e43/1a30d67/progenitor-client/src/progenitor_client.rs:257:5
705 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | \|
706 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | 257 \|     UnexpectedResponse(reqwest::Response),
707 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | \|     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
708 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z | = note: this error originates in the macro `progenitor::generate_api` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
709 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.463Z |  
710 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.466Z | error[E0277]: `?` couldn't convert the error to `progenitor::progenitor_client::Error<types::Error>`
711 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.466Z | --> /home/build/.cargo/git/checkouts/maghemite-de41bdd6c14939ab/9e0fe45/mg-admin-client/src/lib.rs:19:1
712 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.466Z | \|
713 | 2024-09-26T18:57:25.466Z | 19 \| );
andrewjstone commented 3 days ago

For some reason the omicron-common build ignores Cargo.lock, and so can be broken by branch commits in Cargo.toml for deps.

iliana commented 2 days ago

This was resolved by #6692.