oxiton-foundation / click-metrics

Click Matrics is a powerful URL shortening and analytics platform designed to streamline the process of generating short URLs, creating QR codes, and tracking detailed analytics for each link.
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Feat : Implementing Auth functionality. GSSOC'24 #149

Open mukilan2815 opened 3 weeks ago

mukilan2815 commented 3 weeks ago

Description When I click logout, it shows that authentication is not present. I will resolve this issue and also add a Google Sign-In feature.

Changes Implement the Google Sign-In feature and fix the logout issue.




Before submitting your pull request, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:

Expected Time to Complete I estimate that it will take approximately 1 day to complete the changes proposed in this issue.

Additional Notes This implementation includes:

Integration with Google Sign-In API. Proper handling of authentication state during logout. Ensuring the user experience is seamless and secure.


github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for creating this issue! 🎉 We'll look into it as soon as possible. In the meantime, please make sure to provide all the necessary details and context. If you have any questions or additional information, feel free to add them here. Your contributions are highly appreciated! 😊

You can also check our #24 for guidelines on contributing to this project.

Swarnendu0123 commented 3 weeks ago

We will be using firebase for authentication. But before that, we need to get the UI of the auth page. Please attach an UI of auth page.

mukilan2815 commented 3 weeks ago


if this is ok i can work on this. else you can suggest any ui i can replicate it.

Swarnendu0123 commented 3 weeks ago

Use black button with white text instead of green. Otherwise it looks good to me. Use the existing UI lib that we are using.

mukilan2815 commented 3 weeks ago

I need to know the logic. I have planned to make like - First user need to signin or signup to get access to home page or any other page. I think this is good too. What do you think?

Swarnendu0123 commented 3 weeks ago

Yes that's it. We also need to redirect to the auth pages if the user is not logged in.

Swarnendu0123 commented 3 weeks ago

But I want the UI for now as a pull request.

Swarnendu0123 commented 3 weeks ago

Not expecting a big change in a single PR.

mukilan2815 commented 3 weeks ago

Please check into #151