oxiton-foundation / click-metrics

Click Matrics is a powerful URL shortening and analytics platform designed to streamline the process of generating short URLs, creating QR codes, and tracking detailed analytics for each link.
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Enhancement: QR Code UI update and customizations #177

Closed anisharma07 closed 1 week ago

anisharma07 commented 2 weeks ago

Related Issue(s)


Now we can edit the color, background color, resolution(size), margin, format of the qr code....

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Additional Notes

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for submitting your pull request! 🙌 We'll review it as soon as possible. In the meantime, please ensure that your changes align with our #24. If there are any specific instructions or feedback regarding your PR, we'll provide them here. Thanks again for your contribution! 😊

Smitkhobragade commented 2 weeks ago

@anisharma07 . Instead od downloading SVG. can we make it png or jpg. which is ewasy to be shared. or let the user have option which format to download. like we have a button in github similar to that?

I am pasting one example


Like here it is having

  1. Create new file
  2. Upload File

we can have options like

  1. Download PNG
  2. Download SVG ...

Like that

anisharma07 commented 2 weeks ago

@anisharma07 . Instead od downloading SVG. can we make it png or jpg. which is ewasy to be shared. or let the user have option which format to download. like we have a button in github similar to that?

I am pasting one example

Recording.2024-06-14.114537.mp4 Like here it is having

  1. Create new file
  2. Upload File

we can have options like

  1. Download PNG
  2. Download SVG ...

Like that

Oh yeah! I have given that option .. user can choose the format in which they want to download the qr code ..... whichever format is selected qr will be downloaded in that format .....

User can generate QR code of any format .... then they can download it...


Swarnendu0123 commented 2 weeks ago

I guess this will be a great feature, if we can give options to the user to choose the format of the image. You can implement it, but create a separate PR, which will be easy to check. It will be level 2.

Any suggestions @Smitkhobragade ?

Smitkhobragade commented 2 weeks ago

Umm. Nothing much. But It will be a nice feature for a user to have specific options...

anisharma07 commented 1 week ago

@Smitkhobragade @Swarnendu0123
Can you give me level 3 for this PR.... I will figure out how to make QR download in preffered format , without needing to choose format before generating it .... similar to this qr generator website image Or I can do this in another PR

Swarnendu0123 commented 1 week ago

Cool, so do you feel this PR is ready for the evaluation?

anisharma07 commented 1 week ago

@Smitkhobragade @Swarnendu0123

Now, you can merge the PR , I have updated the branch which adds choice for user to download the QR code in their preferred format.... I have updated the video in my First comment of this PR ... you can check it out

Swarnendu0123 commented 1 week ago

Attach video!

anisharma07 commented 1 week ago

Attach video! @Swarnendu0123


Created new folder types in src directory ...

Swarnendu0123 commented 1 week ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

🎉 Your pull request has been successfully merged! 🎉 Thank you for your valuable contribution to our project. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Feel free to reach out if you have any more contributions or if there's anything else we can assist you with. Keep up the fantastic work! 🚀