oxlupo / Economic-Calendar-telegram-bot

Economic Calender Bot is a bot that send USA data reported in investing.com economic calender in a assigned telegram channel
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event.json missing? #1

Open ygbanks opened 2 years ago

ygbanks commented 2 years ago

hello, the code looks great and neat. whoever when i am trying to run it i get a problem saying that event.json is missing. i am assuming you missed the code that saves the calendar into a json file? or how can we get this fixed. thanks bro

ygbanks commented 2 years ago

PS C:\Users\YG> & C:/Users/YG/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps/PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0/python.exe c:/Users/YG/Desktop/Economic-Calendar-telegram-bot-master/main.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Users\YG\Desktop\Economic-Calendar-telegram-bot-master\main.py", line 3, in from table import final_table File "c:\Users\YG\Desktop\Economic-Calendar-telegram-bot-master\table.py", line 8, in with open("event.json", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as e: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'event.json'

oxlupo commented 2 years ago

hello, the code looks great and neat. whoever when i am trying to run it i get a problem saying that event.json is missing. i am assuming you missed the code that saves the calendar into a json file? or how can we get this fixed. thanks bro

HI thank you for sharing your problem actually you can delete it because it's a key value for the name of each event that translates for my native language if you want to send it in another language you can use it and I upload my event.json file to see it event.zip

ygbanks commented 2 years ago

Thank you! for your kindness. now i am receiving another error:

"C:\Users\YG\Desktop\InvestingCalBot\table.py:117: FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead. main_df = main_df.append(id_df, ignore_index=True)"

Also for some reason the bot isn't sending anything to telegram, and how often does the bot send to telegram?

oxlupo commented 2 years ago

Thank you! for your kindness. now i am receiving another error:

"C:\Users\YG\Desktop\InvestingCalBot\table.py:117: FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead. main_df = main_df.append(id_df, ignore_index=True)"

Also for some reason the bot isn't sending anything to telegram, and how often does the bot send to telegram?

it's a warning bro that means your code was truly run and doesn't have any problem and as soon as the data was published in investing.com it sent a notif in telegram

ygbanks commented 2 years ago

thank you, i am not getting any messages on telegram however. can you tell me the correct format for putting in my bot and channel info in telegram.py? thank you

check this out: the link looks outdated maybe? https://medium.com/javarevisited/sending-a-message-to-a-telegram-channel-the-easy-way-eb0a0b32968

oxlupo commented 2 years ago
          if not name[4] == "":
                hash_massage = send_massage(name, check_list)

        this code is on main.py if you want a test that the bot is working you can change it to 

                 if name[4] == "":
                hash_massage = send_massage(name, check_list)
       if you see the image I do it because when  immediately actual was filled it sent in telegram and if you wanna only see that it works you can remove not from if statement in code 


oxlupo commented 2 years ago

thank you, i am not getting any messages on telegram however. can you tell me the correct format for putting in my bot and channel info in telegram.py? thank you

check this out: the link looks outdated maybe? https://medium.com/javarevisited/sending-a-message-to-a-telegram-channel-the-easy-way-eb0a0b32968

I explain in the above comment I hope you understand

ygbanks commented 2 years ago

i understand yes thank you, it sends to telegram when actual news is released. but when i remove "not" i still don't get message on telegram.. i want to test sending message to telegram using the bot. can you show your telegram configuration maybe? wipe out some of the codes? thanks

oxlupo commented 2 years ago

i understand yes thank you, it sends to telegram when actual news is released. but when i remove "not" i still don't get message on telegram.. i want to test sending message to telegram using the bot. can you show your telegram configuration maybe? wipe out some of the codes? thanks

I think you don't admin your bot in the channel to send the massage

ygbanks commented 2 years ago

i did admin my bot in the channel haha

ArtemDziubeilo commented 1 year ago

i understand yes thank you, it sends to telegram when actual news is released. but when i remove "not" i still don't get message on telegram.. i want to test sending message to telegram using the bot. can you show your telegram configuration maybe? wipe out some of the codes? thanks

I think you don't admin your bot in the channel to send the massage

Hi, ran into the same problem as the person above, only I do not even get a notification that the data collection went, most likely somewhere in the code outdated link, just do not fully understand where it is. Now I will attach the screenshot below with the terminal: 1

iscantonionv commented 1 year ago

Hello oxlupo, I hope you are very well, we want to thank you for the great work you have done with this bot, it works perfectly for me in colab (google) but when I run it in VS it gives me the following message, do you? do you know what it could be?

Happy Holidays!
