oxyplot / documentation-examples

examples used in the documentation
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AndroidApp1 not working with OxyPlot.Core v2.1.0 #24

Open Kistelekig98 opened 2 years ago

Kistelekig98 commented 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open AndroidApp1 project
  2. Update OxyPlot.Core NuGet package to 2.1.0
  3. Run (I used Pixel 3a Android 11 simulator)

    Expected behavior

    The plot shows up.

    Actual behavior

    An exception is thrown:

System.TypeLoadException Message=Type OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android.CanvasRenderContext has invalid vtable method slot 7 with method OxyPlot.RenderContextBase:DrawLine (System.Collections.Generic.IList`1,OxyPlot.OxyColor,double,OxyPlot.EdgeRenderingMode,double[],OxyPlot.LineJoin)

VisualMelon commented 2 years ago

The 2.1 binaries are not compatible with the 2.0 platform binaries due to changes in the rendering APIs.

Ideally we will update the Xamarin provision to support 2.1 and re-release the nuget packages, but I don't think any of the maintainers are in a position to test them.

Auto72 commented 2 years ago

Same issue here.

pythonista commented 1 year ago

Hi, guys. Are you going to fix this isue anywhen? I cannot export the plot to image in Xamarin because the last stable OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android 1.0.0 does not contain a builtin png exporter and the earliest stable OxyPlot.ImageSharp 2.0.0 needs the binary incompatible OxyPlot.Core 2.1.2+ :( Could you please help me? How can I export the plot to an image in Xamarin?

VisualMelon commented 1 year ago

Someone has kindly started working on the Xamarin.Forms provision again, and I believe the intention is that this would be the preferred package for Xamarin/Android going forward.


I don't think it targets 2.1 yet, but that's something we should be able to sort out quite quickly if there is demand.