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Add metadata about song (or similar) from Icecast/Shoutcast radio stream #110

Open sguinetti opened 2 months ago

sguinetti commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. As the application allows audio-only streams and because and because the app lacks a way to display the metadata of music tracks from stations, include an option to display the audio information in the stream is needed. For example, the Z Rock and Pop station (this station no longer shows info for now) from the TDT-Channels Radio list includes this option and works in apps such as IPTVNator and URLRadio (Android).

Other station with shows metadata is radiorock.pe, for example.

Describe the solution you'd like Include a description below the channel logo.

Describe alternatives you've considered I can't find any other alternative on how the description would be placed. There is an option to display as a replacement for the stream error message.

Additional context See example: image

From URLRadio, the text is showed: image

See context about icecast streams: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40174150/cant-extract-metdata-from-some-icecast-streams and documentation: https://icecast.org/docs/icecast-2.4.0/config-file.html

About Shoutcast: http://wiki.shoutcast.com/wiki/SHOUTcast_XML_Metadata_Specification

This is not the first time that improvements to better recognize the channel have been proposed. For example, there is the issue #91