oyachai / HearthSim

Generic Hearthstone game simulator
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Random Targeting (10 cards) #86

Closed MrHen closed 9 years ago

MrHen commented 9 years ago

Cards with effects that randomly target things. This list does not include multiple effects in one shot (e.g., Mad Bomber).

ReferenceCard(GVG_059, Coghammer, Weapon, Goblins vs Gnomes, Epic, 3, Paladin, <b>Battlecry:</b> Give a random friendly minion <b>Divine Shield</b> and <b>Taunt</b>., [Battlecry], 2, null, 3, true, null)
ReferenceCard(GVG_043, Glaivezooka, Weapon, Goblins vs Gnomes, Common, 2, Hunter, <b>Battlecry:</b> Give a random friendly minion +1 Attack., [Battlecry], 2, null, 2, true, null)
ReferenceCard(NEW1_019, Knife Juggler, Minion, Classic, Rare, 2, Neutral, After you summon a minion, deal 1 damage to a random enemy., null, 3, 2, null, true, null)
ReferenceCard(EX1_085, Mind Control Tech, Minion, Classic, Rare, 3, Neutral, <b>Battlecry:</b> If your opponent has 4 or more minions, take control of one at random., [Battlecry], 3, 3, null, true, null)
ReferenceCard(GVG_099, Bomb Lobber, Minion, Goblins vs Gnomes, Rare, 5, Neutral, <b>Battlecry:</b> Deal 4 damage to a random enemy minion., [Battlecry], 3, 3, null, true, null)
ReferenceCard(GVG_072, Shadowboxer, Minion, Goblins vs Gnomes, Rare, 2, Priest, Whenever a character is healed, deal 1 damage to a random enemy., null, 2, 3, null, true, Mech)
ReferenceCard(GVG_075, Ship's Cannon, Minion, Goblins vs Gnomes, Common, 2, Neutral, Whenever you summon a Pirate, deal 2 damage to a random enemy., null, 2, 3, null, true, null)
ReferenceCard(EX1_407, Brawl, Spell, Classic, Epic, 5, Warrior, Destroy all minions except one. <i>(chosen randomly)</i>, null, null, null, null, true, null)
ReferenceCard(EX1_617, Deadly Shot, Spell, Classic, Common, 3, Hunter, Destroy a random enemy minion., null, null, null, null, true, null)
ReferenceCard(GVG_001, Flamecannon, Spell, Goblins vs Gnomes, Common, 2, Mage, Deal $4 damage to a random enemy minion., null, null, null, null, true, null)
MrHen commented 9 years ago

I'm now looking at this.

oyachai commented 9 years ago

got it

MrHen commented 9 years ago

Couldn't do the end turn effects this round since the endTurn handlers only work on BoardModel directly.