oyejorge / less.php

less.js ported to PHP.
Apache License 2.0
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Install a new version tag #341

Open sbobrov85 opened 7 years ago

sbobrov85 commented 7 years ago


How often is added to the tag version?

I use the installation via composer and the last tag does not contain fixes: https://github.com/oyejorge/less.php/commit/a05ca596a2c20781ea6f672e19523c43dd68b08f

Temporarily had to fix Version ...

Asenar commented 7 years ago


sorry I don't have the hand on this, you can either add this repository in the repository option in composer.json and point to version v1.7.0.13 (or dev-master), either use asenar/less.php , which contains automatically each tags from my repo.