oyejorge / less.php

less.js ported to PHP.
Apache License 2.0
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The docu use different filenames than your project #344

Open janstieler opened 7 years ago

janstieler commented 7 years ago


your documentation has nothing to do with the filenames in your project? The documentation is talking about Less.php but your project use less.inc.php.


mfdj commented 7 years ago

Thanks for pointing out this error.

To aid the maintainers in resolving this issue it's helpful to point out the affected filenames of the errors. I assume you're referring to the README.md?

Feel free to quote (copy and paste into the issue) the exacts lines that have the errors. This will ensure everyone is talking about the same thing.

Asenar commented 7 years ago

To add some more information to help understand how it works, «Less.php» is the name of the project, and the file Less.php is present in the release version

less.inc.php is required only if you used the lessphp library, which is an other php lib which could compile less, but it seems it's not maintained anymore.

If you use composer, you don't need to include that file.