oyejorge / less.php

less.js ported to PHP.
Apache License 2.0
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Why has the master been renamed asenar/less.php? #346

Closed rene-s closed 7 years ago

rene-s commented 7 years ago


why has the master been renamed asenar/less.php? Was this done on purpose?

I am running into all kinds of problems here:

  1. When I require "oyejorge/less.php", the package cannot be found.
  2. When I require "asenar/less.php", the package gets installed to "vendor/asenar" but because version 1.7 is still named "oyejorge/less.php" Composer is trying to find the package in "vendor/oyejorge" which does not exist.

I would appreciate either an acknowledgement that this is indeed a bug (I would gladly prepare a PR then) or a brief explanation on why this has been done and how to fix my problem, thanks!

Regards Rene


kylekatarnls commented 7 years ago

Hi, until the fix, you can require kylekatarnls/less.php I forked it for my own project.

Asenar commented 7 years ago


it's a mistake, sorry for that, Oyejorge gave me some access (it's in an other issue here) so I merged my works here but I didn't restored his package name.

Sorry about that :/

Also, I don't have access to some settings for publishing to composer or adding travis so I can't really do a lot of thing.

Tell me if what I push fixed your problem or if you need a tag.

rene-s commented 7 years ago

Hello, thanks for responding and fixing the issue so quickly!

Regards Rene