oyejorge / less.php

less.js ported to PHP.
Apache License 2.0
657 stars 2 forks source link

Warning: This project is abandoned. New fork here #371

Open dogbot opened 5 years ago

dogbot commented 5 years ago

This project was abandoned by oyejorge a few years back, he said so himself. It appears to have been forked and actively maintained at: github.com/Asenar/less.php

Asenar commented 5 years ago

Hi, it's not so actively maintained. I fixed some stuffs i needed because I use them for a personal project, I planned to be more active but there is not enough hours in my day for that :/

lkraav commented 5 years ago

After having made transition to node-based toolsets a few years back, I highly recommend leaving these PHP efforts behind as they're destined to fall behind and eventually die - it's just too much work to keep up.

moseleyi commented 5 years ago

Not everybody uses NodeJS