The HomeTestimonies component used at the bottom of the home page was implemented using React Bootstrap's Carousel component. This component worked well for images with a fade transition between them like we used for the HomeTitle component but for sliding information, the animation doesn't slide properly. The slide leaving slides correctly but the entering information appears with no animation. A suitable replacement for this component would be the React Slick Carousel we are already using like in the Merch page. This would also work very well with testimonies as it allows for several columns to be displayed at a time similar to the original carousel used in the previous website.
The HomeTestimonies component used at the bottom of the home page was implemented using React Bootstrap's Carousel component. This component worked well for images with a fade transition between them like we used for the HomeTitle component but for sliding information, the animation doesn't slide properly. The slide leaving slides correctly but the entering information appears with no animation. A suitable replacement for this component would be the React Slick Carousel we are already using like in the Merch page. This would also work very well with testimonies as it allows for several columns to be displayed at a time similar to the original carousel used in the previous website.