oystersjp / yubikega-isucon10-qualify

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靴履いて防災グッズ近くに置いてISUCON #1

Closed mism-mism closed 4 years ago

mism-mism commented 4 years ago


mism-mism commented 4 years ago


mism-mism commented 4 years ago


mism-mism commented 4 years ago

最後に (タイムアウトしました) の付いたメッセージが表示されます。 これによるイス・物件の CSV 入稿以外の API での失格・減点はありません。

mism-mism commented 4 years ago

POST /initialize へのレスポンスを30秒以内に返さない場合 アプリケーション互換性チェックに失敗した場合 その他、ベンチマーカーが失敗を検出したケース

mism-mism commented 4 years ago

bot からのアクセスはコンバージョンに繋がらないため、弾くことが仕様として決定しましたが、まだ実装されていません。 bot は User-Agent が以下の正規表現にマッチする形式であり、このリクエストに対して 503 Service Unavailable を返すことが許可されています。 これに対するベンチマーカーからの減点は発生しません。

/crawler \(https:\/\/isucon\.invalid\/(support\/faq\/|help\/jp\/)/
/(bot|crawler|spider)(?:[-_ .\/;@()]|$)/i
mism-mism commented 4 years ago
OS: VERSION="18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
メモリ: 2G
ディスク: 10G

nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
mysql : Server version: 5.7.31-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (Ubuntu)
cureseven commented 4 years ago


$ mysql -uisucon -pisucon
use isuumo;


count 29500

| Field       | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id          | int(11)       | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name        | varchar(64)   | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| description | varchar(4096) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| thumbnail   | varchar(128)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| price       | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| height      | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| width       | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| depth       | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| color       | varchar(64)   | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| features    | varchar(64)   | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| kind        | varchar(64)   | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| popularity  | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| stock       | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |


|  1 | 【伝説の一品】普通のソファー               | 音楽堂の近くで、黒と白の法被がわたしのそばに来るなと思う間もなく、ウェッシントン夫人のいつもの歎願の声が耳のそばに聞こえた。                                                               | /images/chair/136947c07cbda8cd7effdd92b183498ace80eb658519f5e41a42443b32bdc760.png | 12901 |    197 |   143 |    31 | ベージュ     | 木製,中国製      | 座椅子    |     502728 |     7 |


count 29500

| Field       | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id          | int(11)       | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name        | varchar(64)   | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| description | varchar(4096) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| thumbnail   | varchar(128)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| address     | varchar(128)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| latitude    | double        | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| longitude   | double        | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| rent        | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| door_height | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| door_width  | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| features    | varchar(64)   | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| popularity  | int(11)       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |


|  1 | ISU小林レジデンス        | 又国内思想指導の方針としては、較もすれば党派的に陥る全体主義ではなくして、何処までも公明正大なる君民一体、万民翼賛の皇道でなければならない。                                                                       | /images/estate/eea2d2162cc9bf2c838f8b966fa716a967452e7ed62db7463763fc34a310a1d8.png | 茨城県港区台東3丁目20番18号 シャルム三ノ輪360                   | 37.71778813321466 | 140.2540394463388 | 138843 |         173 |         77 | 防犯カメラ,敷地内ゴミ置場             |     691612 |
mism-mism commented 4 years ago

server分離やるとしたら 1: app,nginx 2: SSHできない 3: mysql

cureseven commented 4 years ago

isuumo 〜物件と椅子を扱うSUUMOみたいなサービス〜






指定なしに加え,以下の選択が可能 デフォルトは指定なしにチェックが入っている 特徴に1つ以上チェックボックスを入れると検索できる











pinkumohikan commented 4 years ago

初回ベンチ: https://portal.isucon.net/contestant/benchmark_jobs/8


mism-mism commented 4 years ago

root@team015-001:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled# curl curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 1323: Connection refused

pinkumohikan commented 4 years ago


isucon@team015-001:~/isuumo$ make kataribe
cd ../ && sudo cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | ./kataribe
Top 20 Sort By Count
Count   Total    Mean  Stddev    Min  P50.0  P90.0  P95.0  P99.0    Max  2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
  406  39.282  0.0968  0.0301  0.036  0.091  0.137  0.155  0.186  0.203  405    0    1    0     4916407          0      12109      12153  GET /api/chair/low_priced HTTP/1.1
  406  30.246  0.0745  0.0296  0.021  0.069  0.115  0.136  0.166  0.203  406    0    0    0     5433614      13383      13383      13398  GET /api/estate/low_priced HTTP/1.1
  179   0.081  0.0005  0.0008  0.000  0.000  0.001  0.001  0.002  0.008  179    0    0    0      458777       2563       2563       2563  GET /api/estate/search/condition HTTP/1.1
  128   0.065  0.0005  0.0008  0.000  0.000  0.001  0.001  0.002  0.007  128    0    0    0      434176       3392       3392       3392  GET /api/chair/search/condition HTTP/1.1
  104  38.883  0.3739  0.4363  0.068  0.180  0.932  1.483  2.000  2.000   99    0    5    0     1389143          0      13357      34129  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
   80  10.178  0.1272  0.0340  0.050  0.122  0.174  0.206  0.231  0.231   79    0    1    0     1316155          0      16451      16675  GET /api/estate/search?page=0&perPage=25&rentRangeId=0 HTTP/1.1
   74  10.814  0.1461  0.0377  0.078  0.138  0.200  0.218  0.262  0.262   74    0    0    0     1242254      16786      16787      16801  GET /api/estate/search?page=0&perPage=25&rentRangeId=2 HTTP/1.1
   68  10.442  0.1536  0.0480  0.074  0.135  0.229  0.252  0.266  0.266   68    0    0    0     1130681      16627      16627      16642  GET /api/estate/search?page=0&perPage=25&rentRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
   64   8.837  0.1381  0.0420  0.053  0.132  0.197  0.204  0.264  0.264   64    0    0    0     1102053      17219      17219      17241  GET /api/estate/search?page=0&perPage=25&rentRangeId=3 HTTP/1.1
   40   0.006  0.0002  0.0004  0.000  0.000  0.001  0.001  0.001  0.001   40    0    0    0     7726028      18445     193150     333217  images
   37   5.210  0.1408  0.0400  0.084  0.134  0.194  0.242  0.256  0.256   37    0    0    0      625737      16911      16911      16926  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=1&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
   34   5.186  0.1525  0.0506  0.068  0.142  0.227  0.250  0.283  0.283   34    0    0    0      573610      16870      16870      16885  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=0&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
   32   5.127  0.1602  0.0259  0.107  0.160  0.192  0.213  0.219  0.219   32    0    0    0      482840      15078      15088      15108  GET /api/chair/search?page=0&perPage=25&priceRangeId=3 HTTP/1.1
   29   3.761  0.1297  0.0304  0.096  0.119  0.188  0.189  0.222  0.222   29    0    0    0      480400      16565      16565      16580  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=3&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
   29   4.632  0.1597  0.0447  0.092  0.147  0.247  0.263  0.265  0.265   29    0    0    0      435837      15013      15028      15059  GET /api/chair/search?page=0&perPage=25&priceRangeId=0 HTTP/1.1
   28   3.761  0.1343  0.0526  0.068  0.114  0.241  0.250  0.276  0.276   28    0    0    0      471912      16854      16854      16854  GET /api/estate/search?page=4&perPage=25&rentRangeId=3 HTTP/1.1
   26   3.702  0.1424  0.0364  0.089  0.139  0.198  0.215  0.244  0.244   26    0    0    0      429364      16514      16514      16514  GET /api/estate/search?page=3&perPage=25&rentRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
   24   2.778  0.1157  0.0247  0.070  0.118  0.150  0.154  0.156  0.156   24    0    0    0      402783      16782      16782      16797  GET /api/estate/search?page=3&perPage=25&rentRangeId=0 HTTP/1.1
   24   3.545  0.1477  0.0382  0.075  0.139  0.199  0.213  0.221  0.221   24    0    0    0      401239      16718      16718      16725  GET /api/estate/search?page=4&perPage=25&rentRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
   23   3.044  0.1323  0.0364  0.072  0.123  0.194  0.201  0.246  0.246   23    0    0    0      388975      16911      16911      16933  GET /api/estate/search?doorHeightRangeId=2&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1

Top 20 Sort By Total
Count   Total    Mean  Stddev    Min  P50.0  P90.0  P95.0  P99.0    Max  2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
  406  39.282  0.0968  0.0301  0.036  0.091  0.137  0.155  0.186  0.203  405    0    1    0     4916407          0      12109      12153  GET /api/chair/low_priced HTTP/1.1
  104  38.883  0.3739  0.4363  0.068  0.180  0.932  1.483  2.000  2.000   99    0    5    0     1389143          0      13357      34129  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
  406  30.246  0.0745  0.0296  0.021  0.069  0.115  0.136  0.166  0.203  406    0    0    0     5433614      13383      13383      13398  GET /api/estate/low_priced HTTP/1.1
   74  10.814  0.1461  0.0377  0.078  0.138  0.200  0.218  0.262  0.262   74    0    0    0     1242254      16786      16787      16801  GET /api/estate/search?page=0&perPage=25&rentRangeId=2 HTTP/1.1
   68  10.442  0.1536  0.0480  0.074  0.135  0.229  0.252  0.266  0.266   68    0    0    0     1130681      16627      16627      16642  GET /api/estate/search?page=0&perPage=25&rentRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
   80  10.178  0.1272  0.0340  0.050  0.122  0.174  0.206  0.231  0.231   79    0    1    0     1316155          0      16451      16675  GET /api/estate/search?page=0&perPage=25&rentRangeId=0 HTTP/1.1
   64   8.837  0.1381  0.0420  0.053  0.132  0.197  0.204  0.264  0.264   64    0    0    0     1102053      17219      17219      17241  GET /api/estate/search?page=0&perPage=25&rentRangeId=3 HTTP/1.1
   37   5.210  0.1408  0.0400  0.084  0.134  0.194  0.242  0.256  0.256   37    0    0    0      625737      16911      16911      16926  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=1&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
   34   5.186  0.1525  0.0506  0.068  0.142  0.227  0.250  0.283  0.283   34    0    0    0      573610      16870      16870      16885  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=0&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
   32   5.127  0.1602  0.0259  0.107  0.160  0.192  0.213  0.219  0.219   32    0    0    0      482840      15078      15088      15108  GET /api/chair/search?page=0&perPage=25&priceRangeId=3 HTTP/1.1
   29   4.632  0.1597  0.0447  0.092  0.147  0.247  0.263  0.265  0.265   29    0    0    0      435837      15013      15028      15059  GET /api/chair/search?page=0&perPage=25&priceRangeId=0 HTTP/1.1
    1   4.314  4.3140  0.0000  4.314  4.314  4.314  4.314  4.314  4.314    1    0    0    0          23         23         23         23  POST /initialize HTTP/1.1
   28   3.761  0.1343  0.0526  0.068  0.114  0.241  0.250  0.276  0.276   28    0    0    0      471912      16854      16854      16854  GET /api/estate/search?page=4&perPage=25&rentRangeId=3 HTTP/1.1
   29   3.761  0.1297  0.0304  0.096  0.119  0.188  0.189  0.222  0.222   29    0    0    0      480400      16565      16565      16580  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=3&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
   26   3.702  0.1424  0.0364  0.089  0.139  0.198  0.215  0.244  0.244   26    0    0    0      429364      16514      16514      16514  GET /api/estate/search?page=3&perPage=25&rentRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
   24   3.545  0.1477  0.0382  0.075  0.139  0.199  0.213  0.221  0.221   24    0    0    0      401239      16718      16718      16725  GET /api/estate/search?page=4&perPage=25&rentRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
   20   3.525  0.1762  0.0433  0.120  0.159  0.252  0.263  0.263  0.263   20    0    0    0      298310      14914      14915      14929  GET /api/chair/search?heightRangeId=1&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
   21   3.508  0.1670  0.0338  0.126  0.155  0.214  0.231  0.241  0.241   21    0    0    0      315287      15013      15013      15027  GET /api/chair/search?page=0&perPage=25&priceRangeId=2 HTTP/1.1
   23   3.449  0.1500  0.0398  0.069  0.143  0.204  0.204  0.215  0.215   22    0    1    0      374499          0      16282      17037  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=2&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
   18   3.214  0.1786  0.0491  0.125  0.162  0.245  0.291  0.291  0.291   18    0    0    0      270486      15027      15027      15027  GET /api/chair/search?heightRangeId=3&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1

Top 20 Sort By Mean
Count   Total    Mean  Stddev    Min  P50.0  P90.0  P95.0  P99.0    Max  2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
    1   4.314  4.3140  0.0000  4.314  4.314  4.314  4.314  4.314  4.314    1    0    0    0          23         23         23         23  POST /initialize HTTP/1.1
    1   0.773  0.7730  0.0000  0.773  0.773  0.773  0.773  0.773  0.773    1    0    0    0          34         34         34         34  GET /api/estate/search?features=%E6%95%B7%E5%9C%B0%E5%86%85%E9%A7%90%E8%BB%8A%E5%A0%B4%2CIH%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%AD%2C%E3%83%AD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88&page=0&perPage=20&rentRangeId=2 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.771  0.7710  0.0000  0.771  0.771  0.771  0.771  0.771  0.771    1    0    0    0       15072      15072      15072      15072  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=3&features=%E3%83%AD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88&page=0&perPage=22 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.715  0.7150  0.0000  0.715  0.715  0.715  0.715  0.715  0.715    1    0    0    0       13375      13375      13375      13375  GET /api/recommended_estate/8 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.697  0.6970  0.0000  0.697  0.697  0.697  0.697  0.697  0.697    1    0    0    0          33         33         33         33  GET /api/chair/search?color=%E9%9D%92&features=%E3%83%98%E3%83%83%E3%83%89%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D%2C%E6%B3%95%E4%BA%8B%E7%94%A8%2C%E9%87%8D%E3%81%95500g%E4%BB%A5%E5%86%85&heightRangeId=0&page=0&perPage=32 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.688  0.6880  0.0000  0.688  0.688  0.688  0.688  0.688  0.688    1    0    0    0       12354      12354      12354      12354  GET /api/chair/search?features=%E3%83%98%E3%83%83%E3%83%89%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D%2C%E5%9B%BD%E7%94%A3&page=0&perPage=28 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.668  0.6680  0.0000  0.668  0.668  0.668  0.668  0.668  0.668    1    0    0    0       20977      20977      20977      20977  GET /api/chair/search?depthRangeId=1&features=%E3%82%B9%E3%83%81%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E8%A3%BD&heightRangeId=2&page=0&perPage=46 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.651  0.6510  0.0000  0.651  0.651  0.651  0.651  0.651  0.651    1    0    0    0       13367      13367      13367      13367  GET /api/recommended_estate/68 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.645  0.6450  0.0000  0.645  0.645  0.645  0.645  0.645  0.645    1    0    0    0       13901      13901      13901      13901  GET /api/estate/search?features=%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%2C%E3%82%A8%E3%82%A2%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D&page=0&perPage=30 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.640  0.6400  0.0000  0.640  0.640  0.640  0.640  0.640  0.640    1    0    0    0       13223      13223      13223      13223  GET /api/recommended_estate/82 HTTP/1.1
    2   0.933  0.4665  0.0025  0.464  0.469  0.469  0.469  0.469  0.469    2    0    0    0       29548      14767      14774      14781  GET /api/chair/search?features=%E8%A5%BF%E6%B4%8B%E9%A2%A8%2C%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E7%9A%84%E3%83%87%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3&page=0&perPage=27 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.466  0.4660  0.0000  0.466  0.466  0.466  0.466  0.466  0.466    1    0    0    0       25478      25478      25478      25478  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=0&features=%E6%B4%97%E9%9D%A2%E6%89%80%E7%8B%AC%E7%AB%8B&page=0&perPage=37&rentRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.461  0.4610  0.0000  0.461  0.461  0.461  0.461  0.461  0.461    1    0    0    0          34         34         34         34  GET /api/estate/search?features=%E6%9C%80%E4%B8%8A%E9%9A%8E%2C%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%2C%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8D%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E6%8E%A5%E7%B6%9A%E5%8F%AF&page=0&perPage=33 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.452  0.4520  0.0000  0.452  0.452  0.452  0.452  0.452  0.452    1    0    0    0       13416      13416      13416      13416  GET /api/recommended_estate/17 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.440  0.4400  0.0000  0.440  0.440  0.440  0.440  0.440  0.440    1    0    0    0       13309      13309      13309      13309  GET /api/recommended_estate/66 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.425  0.4250  0.0000  0.425  0.425  0.425  0.425  0.425  0.425    1    0    0    0         560        560        560        560  GET /api/chair/81 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.420  0.4200  0.0000  0.420  0.420  0.420  0.420  0.420  0.420    1    0    0    0       15140      15140      15140      15140  GET /api/chair/search?color=%E7%B7%91&page=3&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
  104  38.883  0.3739  0.4363  0.068  0.180  0.932  1.483  2.000  2.000   99    0    5    0     1389143          0      13357      34129  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
    1   0.310  0.3100  0.0000  0.310  0.310  0.310  0.310  0.310  0.310    1    0    0    0       14816      14816      14816      14816  GET /api/chair/search?color=%E9%BB%84&page=2&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.300  0.3000  0.0000  0.300  0.300  0.300  0.300  0.300  0.300    1    0    0    0           0          0          0          0  POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1

Top 20 Sort By Standard Deviation
Count   Total    Mean  Stddev    Min  P50.0  P90.0  P95.0  P99.0    Max  2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
  104  38.883  0.3739  0.4363  0.068  0.180  0.932  1.483  2.000  2.000   99    0    5    0     1389143          0      13357      34129  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
    2   0.249  0.1245  0.0995  0.025  0.224  0.224  0.224  0.224  0.224    2    0    0    0           0          0          0          0  POST /api/chair/buy/21539 HTTP/1.1
    3   0.604  0.2013  0.0948  0.079  0.215  0.310  0.310  0.310  0.310    3    0    0    0       44429      14772      14809      14830  GET /api/chair/search?depthRangeId=0&page=4&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    8   1.638  0.2047  0.0916  0.095  0.171  0.366  0.366  0.366  0.366    8    0    0    0      119874      14907      14984      15047  GET /api/chair/search?heightRangeId=0&page=4&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    3   0.558  0.1860  0.0779  0.107  0.159  0.292  0.292  0.292  0.292    3    0    0    0       46143      15359      15381      15392  GET /api/chair/search?depthRangeId=1&page=1&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    3   0.589  0.1963  0.0776  0.118  0.169  0.302  0.302  0.302  0.302    3    0    0    0       45063      15021      15021      15021  GET /api/chair/search?page=1&perPage=25&widthRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
    3   0.566  0.1887  0.0680  0.130  0.152  0.284  0.284  0.284  0.284    3    0    0    0       43881      14627      14627      14627  GET /api/chair/search?color=%E7%B7%91&page=0&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    7   1.249  0.1784  0.0677  0.121  0.159  0.318  0.318  0.318  0.318    7    0    0    0      101977      14555      14568      14578  GET /api/chair/search?page=2&perPage=25&priceRangeId=0 HTTP/1.1
    3   0.625  0.2083  0.0640  0.118  0.248  0.259  0.259  0.259  0.259    3    0    0    0       45980      15314      15326      15352  GET /api/chair/search?color=%E3%82%AA%E3%83%AC%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B8&page=2&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    2   0.124  0.0620  0.0610  0.001  0.123  0.123  0.123  0.123  0.123    2    0    0    0        1156        578        578        578  GET /api/chair/8478 HTTP/1.1
   18   2.926  0.1626  0.0605  0.085  0.154  0.270  0.362  0.362  0.362   18    0    0    0      270792      15044      15044      15044  GET /api/chair/search?page=0&perPage=25&widthRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
    8   1.513  0.1891  0.0584  0.126  0.209  0.301  0.301  0.301  0.301    8    0    0    0      117815      14725      14726      14740  GET /api/chair/search?page=0&perPage=25&priceRangeId=5 HTTP/1.1
    5   0.712  0.1424  0.0581  0.087  0.126  0.250  0.250  0.250  0.250    5    0    0    0       81640      16328      16328      16328  GET /api/estate/search?doorHeightRangeId=0&page=3&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    9   1.495  0.1661  0.0578  0.114  0.147  0.307  0.307  0.307  0.307    9    0    0    0      134562      14939      14951      15035  GET /api/chair/search?page=3&perPage=25&priceRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
    6   1.232  0.2053  0.0568  0.139  0.233  0.303  0.303  0.303  0.303    6    0    0    0       88536      14756      14756      14756  GET /api/chair/search?heightRangeId=2&page=4&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    6   0.959  0.1598  0.0562  0.116  0.137  0.283  0.283  0.283  0.283    6    0    0    0       90430      15065      15071      15085  GET /api/chair/search?heightRangeId=1&page=2&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    6   1.214  0.2023  0.0561  0.116  0.232  0.285  0.285  0.285  0.285    6    0    0    0       88746      14791      14791      14791  GET /api/chair/search?page=1&perPage=25&priceRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
    6   1.005  0.1675  0.0557  0.093  0.182  0.259  0.259  0.259  0.259    6    0    0    0       98436      16406      16406      16406  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=1&page=2&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    2   0.355  0.1775  0.0555  0.122  0.233  0.233  0.233  0.233  0.233    2    0    0    0       26570      13285      13285      13285  GET /api/recommended_estate/608 HTTP/1.1
    3   0.612  0.2040  0.0551  0.131  0.217  0.264  0.264  0.264  0.264    3    0    0    0       45269      15068      15089      15108  GET /api/chair/search?depthRangeId=2&page=4&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1

Top 20 Sort By Maximum(100 Percentile)
Count   Total    Mean  Stddev    Min  P50.0  P90.0  P95.0  P99.0    Max  2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
    1   4.314  4.3140  0.0000  4.314  4.314  4.314  4.314  4.314  4.314    1    0    0    0          23         23         23         23  POST /initialize HTTP/1.1
  104  38.883  0.3739  0.4363  0.068  0.180  0.932  1.483  2.000  2.000   99    0    5    0     1389143          0      13357      34129  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
    1   0.773  0.7730  0.0000  0.773  0.773  0.773  0.773  0.773  0.773    1    0    0    0          34         34         34         34  GET /api/estate/search?features=%E6%95%B7%E5%9C%B0%E5%86%85%E9%A7%90%E8%BB%8A%E5%A0%B4%2CIH%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%AD%2C%E3%83%AD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88&page=0&perPage=20&rentRangeId=2 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.771  0.7710  0.0000  0.771  0.771  0.771  0.771  0.771  0.771    1    0    0    0       15072      15072      15072      15072  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=3&features=%E3%83%AD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88&page=0&perPage=22 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.715  0.7150  0.0000  0.715  0.715  0.715  0.715  0.715  0.715    1    0    0    0       13375      13375      13375      13375  GET /api/recommended_estate/8 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.697  0.6970  0.0000  0.697  0.697  0.697  0.697  0.697  0.697    1    0    0    0          33         33         33         33  GET /api/chair/search?color=%E9%9D%92&features=%E3%83%98%E3%83%83%E3%83%89%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D%2C%E6%B3%95%E4%BA%8B%E7%94%A8%2C%E9%87%8D%E3%81%95500g%E4%BB%A5%E5%86%85&heightRangeId=0&page=0&perPage=32 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.688  0.6880  0.0000  0.688  0.688  0.688  0.688  0.688  0.688    1    0    0    0       12354      12354      12354      12354  GET /api/chair/search?features=%E3%83%98%E3%83%83%E3%83%89%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D%2C%E5%9B%BD%E7%94%A3&page=0&perPage=28 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.668  0.6680  0.0000  0.668  0.668  0.668  0.668  0.668  0.668    1    0    0    0       20977      20977      20977      20977  GET /api/chair/search?depthRangeId=1&features=%E3%82%B9%E3%83%81%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E8%A3%BD&heightRangeId=2&page=0&perPage=46 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.651  0.6510  0.0000  0.651  0.651  0.651  0.651  0.651  0.651    1    0    0    0       13367      13367      13367      13367  GET /api/recommended_estate/68 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.645  0.6450  0.0000  0.645  0.645  0.645  0.645  0.645  0.645    1    0    0    0       13901      13901      13901      13901  GET /api/estate/search?features=%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%2C%E3%82%A8%E3%82%A2%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D&page=0&perPage=30 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.640  0.6400  0.0000  0.640  0.640  0.640  0.640  0.640  0.640    1    0    0    0       13223      13223      13223      13223  GET /api/recommended_estate/82 HTTP/1.1
    2   0.933  0.4665  0.0025  0.464  0.469  0.469  0.469  0.469  0.469    2    0    0    0       29548      14767      14774      14781  GET /api/chair/search?features=%E8%A5%BF%E6%B4%8B%E9%A2%A8%2C%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E7%9A%84%E3%83%87%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3&page=0&perPage=27 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.466  0.4660  0.0000  0.466  0.466  0.466  0.466  0.466  0.466    1    0    0    0       25478      25478      25478      25478  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=0&features=%E6%B4%97%E9%9D%A2%E6%89%80%E7%8B%AC%E7%AB%8B&page=0&perPage=37&rentRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.461  0.4610  0.0000  0.461  0.461  0.461  0.461  0.461  0.461    1    0    0    0          34         34         34         34  GET /api/estate/search?features=%E6%9C%80%E4%B8%8A%E9%9A%8E%2C%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%2C%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8D%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E6%8E%A5%E7%B6%9A%E5%8F%AF&page=0&perPage=33 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.452  0.4520  0.0000  0.452  0.452  0.452  0.452  0.452  0.452    1    0    0    0       13416      13416      13416      13416  GET /api/recommended_estate/17 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.440  0.4400  0.0000  0.440  0.440  0.440  0.440  0.440  0.440    1    0    0    0       13309      13309      13309      13309  GET /api/recommended_estate/66 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.425  0.4250  0.0000  0.425  0.425  0.425  0.425  0.425  0.425    1    0    0    0         560        560        560        560  GET /api/chair/81 HTTP/1.1
    1   0.420  0.4200  0.0000  0.420  0.420  0.420  0.420  0.420  0.420    1    0    0    0       15140      15140      15140      15140  GET /api/chair/search?color=%E7%B7%91&page=3&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
    8   1.638  0.2047  0.0916  0.095  0.171  0.366  0.366  0.366  0.366    8    0    0    0      119874      14907      14984      15047  GET /api/chair/search?heightRangeId=0&page=4&perPage=25 HTTP/1.1
   18   2.926  0.1626  0.0605  0.085  0.154  0.270  0.362  0.362  0.362   18    0    0    0      270792      15044      15044      15044  GET /api/chair/search?page=0&perPage=25&widthRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1

TOP 37 Slow Requests
 1  4.314  POST /initialize HTTP/1.1
 2  2.000  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
 3  2.000  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
 4  2.000  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
 5  1.733  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
 6  1.561  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
 7  1.483  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
 8  1.347  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
 9  1.166  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
10  1.014  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
11  0.985  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
12  0.932  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
13  0.816  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
14  0.776  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
15  0.773  GET /api/estate/search?features=%E6%95%B7%E5%9C%B0%E5%86%85%E9%A7%90%E8%BB%8A%E5%A0%B4%2CIH%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%AD%2C%E3%83%AD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88&page=0&perPage=20&rentRangeId=2 HTTP/1.1
16  0.771  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=3&features=%E3%83%AD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88&page=0&perPage=22 HTTP/1.1
17  0.723  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
18  0.715  GET /api/recommended_estate/8 HTTP/1.1
19  0.711  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
20  0.697  GET /api/chair/search?color=%E9%9D%92&features=%E3%83%98%E3%83%83%E3%83%89%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D%2C%E6%B3%95%E4%BA%8B%E7%94%A8%2C%E9%87%8D%E3%81%95500g%E4%BB%A5%E5%86%85&heightRangeId=0&page=0&perPage=32 HTTP/1.1
21  0.688  GET /api/chair/search?features=%E3%83%98%E3%83%83%E3%83%89%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D%2C%E5%9B%BD%E7%94%A3&page=0&perPage=28 HTTP/1.1
22  0.680  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
23  0.672  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
24  0.668  GET /api/chair/search?depthRangeId=1&features=%E3%82%B9%E3%83%81%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E8%A3%BD&heightRangeId=2&page=0&perPage=46 HTTP/1.1
25  0.651  GET /api/recommended_estate/68 HTTP/1.1
26  0.645  GET /api/estate/search?features=%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%2C%E3%82%A8%E3%82%A2%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D&page=0&perPage=30 HTTP/1.1
27  0.644  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
28  0.640  GET /api/recommended_estate/82 HTTP/1.1
29  0.597  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
30  0.549  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
31  0.512  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
32  0.511  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
33  0.509  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
34  0.503  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
35  0.479  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
36  0.469  GET /api/chair/search?features=%E8%A5%BF%E6%B4%8B%E9%A2%A8%2C%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E7%9A%84%E3%83%87%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3&page=0&perPage=27 HTTP/1.1
37  0.466  GET /api/estate/search?doorWidthRangeId=0&features=%E6%B4%97%E9%9D%A2%E6%89%80%E7%8B%AC%E7%AB%8B&page=0&perPage=37&rentRangeId=1 HTTP/1.1
pinkumohikan commented 4 years ago




mism-mism commented 4 years ago

スロークエリ解析結果 mysql-slow.txt

cureseven commented 4 years ago

chore: 動的プレースホルダを使ってmysql負荷を下げる https://github.com/pinkumohikan/isucon10/pull/4

pinkumohikan commented 4 years ago

GET /api/chair/low_priced


cureseven commented 4 years ago



  1. responce 41.7856
    SELECT * FROM chair WHERE stock > 0 ORDER BY price ASC, id ASC LIMIT 20\G
  2. 33.2301
    SELECT * FROM estate ORDER BY rent ASC, id ASC LIMIT 20\G
  3. 29.8087
    SELECT * FROM estate WHERE (door_width >= 171 AND door_height >= 139) OR (door_width >= 171 AND door_height >= 135) OR (door_width >= 139 AND door_height >= 171) OR (door_width >= 139 AND door_height >= 135) OR (door_width >= 135 AND door_height >= 171) OR (door_width >= 135 AND door_height >= 139) ORDER BY popularity DESC, id ASC LIMIT 20\G
  4. 26.7525
    SELECT * FROM estate WHERE rent >= 100000 AND rent < 150000 ORDER BY popularity DESC, id ASC LIMIT 25 OFFSET 0\G
  5. 21.5409
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM estate WHERE rent >= 100000 AND rent < 150000\G


SELECT * FROM estate 
WHERE id = 2265 
AND ST_Contains(ST_PolygonFromText(
  'POLYGON((34.012879 136.655819,34.113716 136.535603,34.703976 136.450878,34.914687 136.589606,34.933232 136.779039,34.857809 136.938314,34.525739 137.067277,34.097198 137.069515,34.012879 136.655819))'
  , ST_GeomFromText('POINT(34.922489 136.998498)'))\G


mism-mism commented 4 years ago

root@team015-001:/var/log/nginx# grep -o 'bot' access-1.log | wc -l │ 1230
root@team015-001:/var/log/nginx# wc access-1.log -l
5501 access-1.log

pinkumohikan commented 4 years ago

現在のスコア: 657




pinkumohikan commented 4 years ago

kataribe (aggregation調整済み)

Top 20 Sort By Total
Count    Total    Mean  Stddev    Min  P50.0  P90.0  P95.0  P99.0    Max   2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
 1885  163.018  0.0865  0.0678  0.000  0.081  0.148  0.200  0.319  0.670  1880    0    5    0    26949945          0      14297      29180  GET /api/estate/search?.*
 1090  149.756  0.1374  0.0821  0.000  0.130  0.237  0.274  0.393  0.640  1085    0    5    0    13722264          0      12589      15485  GET /api/chair/search.*
  184   59.438  0.3230  0.3633  0.059  0.149  0.804  1.007  2.000  2.000   181    0    3    0     2962840          0      16102      34213  POST /api/estate/nazotte HTTP/1.1
  580   46.608  0.0804  0.0302  0.029  0.076  0.115  0.127  0.181  0.373   580    0    0    0     7048593      12139      12152      12153  GET /api/chair/low_priced HTTP/1.1
 1819   38.590  0.0212  0.0359  0.000  0.007  0.053  0.091  0.167  0.376  1814    0    5    0     1114149          0        612        705  GET /api/estate/[0-9]+
  285   32.524  0.1141  0.0675  0.004  0.101  0.156  0.194  0.587  0.615   285    0    0    0     3813711      13061      13381      13712  GET /api/recommended_estate/[0-9]+
 1191   29.247  0.0246  0.0329  0.000  0.015  0.053  0.084  0.164  0.312  1188    0    3    0      644598          0        541        640  GET /api/chair/[0-9]+
  580   11.377  0.0196  0.0346  0.001  0.005  0.067  0.080  0.130  0.335   580    0    0    0     7771483      13383      13399      13426  GET /api/estate/low_priced HTTP/1.1
    1    8.676  8.6760  0.0000  8.676  8.676  8.676  8.676  8.676  8.676     1    0    0    0          23         23         23         23  POST /initialize HTTP/1.1
  141    2.702  0.0192  0.0257  0.005  0.011  0.031  0.044  0.124  0.232   141    0    0    0           0          0          0          0  POST /api/chair/buy/[0-9]+
  516    1.434  0.0028  0.0081  0.000  0.001  0.005  0.011  0.035  0.124   516    0    0    0           0          0          0          0  POST /api/estate/req_doc/[0-9]
    2    0.870  0.4350  0.1800  0.255  0.615  0.615  0.615  0.615  0.615     2    0    0    0           0          0          0          0  POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1
    2    0.759  0.3795  0.1525  0.227  0.532  0.532  0.532  0.532  0.532     2    0    0    0           0          0          0          0  POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1
pinkumohikan commented 4 years ago


isucon@team015-001:~/isuumo$ sudo cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep "page=0" | wc -l
isucon@team015-001:~/isuumo$ sudo cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep "page=1" | wc -l
isucon@team015-001:~/isuumo$ sudo cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep "page=2" | wc -l
isucon@team015-001:~/isuumo$ sudo cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep "page=3" | wc -l
isucon@team015-001:~/isuumo$ sudo cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep "page=4" | wc -l
isucon@team015-001:~/isuumo$ sudo cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep "page=5" | wc -l

0ページ目にアクセスが来たら、1, 2, 3, 4ページ目まで先読みしてキャッシュ作っとくといいかも

pinkumohikan commented 4 years ago

現在のスコア: 1064

https://portal.isucon.net/contestant/benchmark_jobs/10227 image

依然としてDBのCPU負荷が高いので、重いエンドポイントやslow query logを見ながらDB負荷を下げる方向で改修していく

mism-mism commented 4 years ago


cureseven commented 4 years ago



call 111325

SELECT * FROM estate 
WHERE id = 29664 
AND ST_Contains(ST_PolygonFromText('POLYGON((34.427529 137.246488,34.446082 136.940378,34.466289 136.612697,35.132523 136.675533,34.939585 137.193934,34.485908 137.337269,34.427529 137.246488))'), ST_GeomFromText('POINT(34.538532 137.100927)'))\G


以下3つが圧倒的.4位のResponse 4.2851なので.

  1. Response 38.2790 searchEstateNazotteで使われてる

    SELECT * FROM estate WHERE latitude <= 35.48976081911121 AND latitude >= 34.56605465353819 AND longitude <= 137.86870363946463 AND longitude >= 136.98988606840643 ORDER BY popularity DESC, id ASC\G
  2. 21.8528 searchRecommendedEstateWithChairで使われてる

    SELECT * FROM estate WHERE (door_width >= 149 AND door_height >= 113) OR (door_width >= 149 AND door_height >= 179) OR (door_width >= 113 AND door_height >= 149) OR (door_width >= 113 AND door_height >= 179) OR (door_width >= 179 AND door_height >= 149) OR (door_width >= 179 AND door_height >= 113) ORDER BY popularity DESC, id ASC LIMIT 20\G
  3. 12.4319 searchEstateNazotteで使われてる

    SELECT * FROM estate WHERE id = 29664 AND ST_Contains(ST_PolygonFromText('POLYGON((34.427529 137.246488,34.446082 136.940378,34.466289 136.612697,35.132523 136.675533,34.939585 137.193934,34.485908 137.337269,34.427529 137.246488))'), ST_GeomFromText('POINT(34.538532 137.100927)'))\G
mism-mism commented 4 years ago


mism-mism commented 4 years ago - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:26 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/22832 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.006 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:26 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/25572 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.006 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:26 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/19489 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.006 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:26 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/13127 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:27 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/10516 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.008 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:27 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/630 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.006 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:27 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/16124 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:27 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/23455 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.006 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:28 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/14623 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:28 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/20890 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:28 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/22412 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.019 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:29 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/16569 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:29 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/4389 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:29 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/23429 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.011 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:30 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/10211 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.005 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:30 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/24302 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.006 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:30 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/27036 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.008 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:31 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/24000 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.008 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:31 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/24997 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.012 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:31 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/1775 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.009 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:32 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/6351 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:32 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/11068 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:32 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/12175 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:33 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/11283 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.006 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:33 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/11361 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.010 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:33 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/25477 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.008 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:34 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/27282 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.021 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:34 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/3338 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.010 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:34 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/29593 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.014 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:35 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/1352 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.039 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:35 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/14672 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.039 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:35 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/23816 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.041 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:36 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki-e5de59ce-0a7e-412e-996d-c60514d34d75" 0.278 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:37 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/26576 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.008 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:37 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/26420 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.015 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:37 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/18015 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.011 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:38 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/7859 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.011 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:39 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/21049 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.030 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:39 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/16197 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.006 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:40 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/1404 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.010 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:40 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/15782 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.010 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:40 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/13916 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.007 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:41 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki mobile-eae973de-c21b-4f51-8e8a-db051b57250d" 0.565 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:42 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/21688 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki beta-bcfda1ea-15b6-4181-a334-b754c1f68d40" 0.008 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:43 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/20125 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.008 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:43 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/30663 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-8b6faa3a-d8df-4cdc-ae7b-fb410ba16b72" 0.018 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:43 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/20590 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser beta-6732938a-ac8e-42f2-bbdf-241baf35f1dc" 0.027 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:43 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser-75b38446-12f6-4d5b-a4f4-aff73c048361" 0.371 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:46 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Edge beta-530344b9-21ff-4d7a-b683-279dbf17e2d5" 0.452 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:47 +0000] "POST /api/chair/buy/9867 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel beta-072886af-ca9e-40a5-9d2d-4227d08b8d08" 0.016 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:47 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel-821bd1cb-cf18-4f81-af02-7bf536669d16" 0.421 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:49 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Explorer bottle-8e829a5c-7832-422a-9633-9e54ce8a274b" 0.564 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:51 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-2af66f27-c628-4895-a2c3-9d2bc9f7f9c3" 0.780 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:53 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki-d1cbe168-9a23-4c1f-9fa1-0296451154bb" 0.729 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:55 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki bottle-7507da8e-3cc6-435f-a586-98759828f7bb" 0.787 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:57 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Explorer alpha-fd448490-eadb-4ff4-931e-5839d2eb3ff8" 1.041
mism-mism commented 4 years ago - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:04 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "isucon-verify" 0.394 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:36 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Edge beta-d355f75e-c855-416f-a944-ce450752a690" 0.340 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:41 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Edge mobile-1dbcdc5f-f197-423f-93e5-7daea24d41d6" 0.629 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:43 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Edge mobile-b96d49a4-633f-490e-8eed-cf997a637784" 0.397 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:46 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki alpha-0bbc981c-a8e2-416a-8c79-fea408da1060" 0.370 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:47 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel bottle-2b00d61e-915c-426e-a1b6-33213464ece1" 0.479 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:49 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Explorer alpha-083d3b74-e6f5-4ea7-bb2f-13e3c20c74fc" 0.631 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:51 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser-c5b127ed-94ea-4118-8e3f-383d6caf2dc3" 0.849 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:53 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser alpha-65fa7294-5f0d-49bc-8829-42e02c450fc7" 0.877 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:55 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Explorer alpha-57599518-9183-47d8-98ed-e63ac5fe9bfd" 0.875 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:57 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel alpha-fa1e262f-9214-4759-821a-09b1f8b6ebca" 1.089
mism-mism commented 4 years ago - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:03 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "isucon-verify" 0.325 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:36 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki-e5de59ce-0a7e-412e-996d-c60514d34d75" 0.278 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:41 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki mobile-eae973de-c21b-4f51-8e8a-db051b57250d" 0.565 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:43 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser-75b38446-12f6-4d5b-a4f4-aff73c048361" 0.371 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:46 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Edge beta-530344b9-21ff-4d7a-b683-279dbf17e2d5" 0.452 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:47 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel-821bd1cb-cf18-4f81-af02-7bf536669d16" 0.421 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:49 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Explorer bottle-8e829a5c-7832-422a-9633-9e54ce8a274b" 0.564 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:51 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser bottle-2af66f27-c628-4895-a2c3-9d2bc9f7f9c3" 0.780 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:53 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki-d1cbe168-9a23-4c1f-9fa1-0296451154bb" 0.729 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:55 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Icetanuki bottle-7507da8e-3cc6-435f-a586-98759828f7bb" 0.787 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:17:57 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Explorer alpha-fd448490-eadb-4ff4-931e-5839d2eb3ff8" 1.041
mism-mism commented 4 years ago

ますたーで 回した root@team015-001:/var/log/nginx# less access.log | grep "POST /api/estate " - - [12/Sep/2020:11:22:41 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "isucon-verify" 0.386 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:16 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Edge mobile-755c9d3d-a772-4001-afd1-d3c361e49949" 0.653 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:24 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel bottle-0364eda0-72ea-4b54-a529-5321de70cb5f" 1.019 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:29 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Edge bottle-25f54f88-7b9e-43e8-9354-d682666d8853" 0.999 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:35 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Web Browser-9fa2494c-07e5-40ef-8518-0c2bfed983bb" 0.966 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:40 +0000] "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Edge alpha-4815fc91-ad2e-4121-80f7-e37e25a62b10" 1.025

root@team015-001:/var/log/nginx# less access.log | grep "POST /api/chair " - - [12/Sep/2020:11:22:41 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "isucon-verify" 0.338 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:16 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Explorer beta-ce28caf9-d361-4aa7-8a8f-f288638277ae" 0.579 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:24 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Edge-5ec9d95b-0113-4e67-a715-2c84148ab06f" 0.853 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:29 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Explorer beta-a2e2df51-d9c8-43e3-a4d1-3ae38568144a" 0.900 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:35 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel alpha-c891c313-fa61-463a-ba8d-bab25c2209d4" 0.823 - - [12/Sep/2020:11:23:40 +0000] "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "ISUCON Nickel alpha-10e75a31-9b2f-4ebb-a82d-59099df22461" 0.967
mism-mism commented 4 years ago


2020/09/12 11:30:13 [warn] 15440#15440: *7 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000001, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2020/09/12 11:30:13 [warn] 15440#15440: *8 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000002, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2020/09/12 11:30:47 [warn] 15440#15440: *5803 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000003, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2020/09/12 11:30:47 [warn] 15440#15440: *5800 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000004, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2020/09/12 11:30:56 [warn] 15440#15440: *10778 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000005, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2020/09/12 11:30:56 [warn] 15440#15440: *10818 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000006, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2020/09/12 11:31:01 [warn] 15440#15440: *13531 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000007, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2020/09/12 11:31:01 [warn] 15440#15440: *13534 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000008, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2020/09/12 11:31:05 [warn] 15440#15440: *16565 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000009, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/chair HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2020/09/12 11:31:05 [warn] 15440#15440: *16567 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/body/0000000010, client:, server: , request: "POST /api/estate HTTP/1.1", host: ""
cureseven commented 4 years ago
