oyvind-stromsvik / spelunky

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Just a lot of changes from more than a year of scattered work #23

Closed oyvind-stromsvik closed 2 years ago

oyvind-stromsvik commented 2 years ago

So much has changed I've completely lost track.

This PR causes at least 3 known regressions:

  1. Crawling over a ledge to hang from it causes you to face the wrong way.
  2. No longer able to push blocks.
  3. No longer able to pickup the climbing glove.

I'll fix these shortly. I just want to merge this beast so that I can work on concrete tasks again.

Not squashing this PR even though a lot of the commits are nonsensical or messy simply because some of them are more structured and maybe it possible to figure out where or when I did something if I should need it.

Some of the changes I think this PR introduces:

  1. I removed Text Mesh Pro because so often it would just break and require me to restart Unity or even reinstall the package for it to work again. I couldn't be assed with that so we're just using the normal text component now.
  2. The HUD works for the most part now with bombs, ropes etc. counting down when you use them and gold counting up when you pick it up.
  3. There's gold now.
  4. The basic enemies are in the game as well. In a very basic state for the time being.
  5. Added an audio manager which controls how sounds are played.
  6. Also added some reverb.
  7. Moved the sprite animator out into its own package because I'm now sharing it between multiple projects. NB: I just went to look for the repository and realized this package is seemingly still only available locally on my machine so this entire project will break now. If so that's clearly the first thing I need to fix.
  8. The visuals for the spike traps and arrow traps have been added as well, but they don't do anything at the moment.
  9. Upgraded Unity from 2019 all the way to 2021. I realized LTS doesn't mean crap for Unity, it's just as unstable and buggy as anything else, so I'd rather just stay on the latest version, especially since this is one of the few projects I have which uses one of the new render pipelines.

That's everything I can remember. Most of the scripts have been refactored as well.

Anyway, I'll merge this now just to get it out of the way and then my focus going forward will be to ensure everything that's actually in the game at the moment works as expected before I add anything else. What's already in the game is a large part of the core of Spelunky so hopefully when all of that is working perfectly then we'll have a solid foundation to work with.