oyvindberg / typo

Typed Postgresql integration for Scala. Hopes to avoid typos
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Add `seek` #100

Closed oyvindberg closed 3 months ago

oyvindberg commented 3 months ago


Is a way to do pagination with good properties, see this introduction for jooq.

It needed some interesting sql generation, these tests should show how it works:

  val base =
    """select "productid", "name", "productnumber", "makeflag", "finishedgoodsflag", "color", "safetystocklevel", "reorderpoint", "standardcost", "listprice", "size", "sizeunitmeasurecode", "weightunitmeasurecode", "weight", "daystomanufacture", "productline", "class", "style", "productsubcategoryid", "productmodelid", "sellstartdate"::text, "sellenddate"::text, "discontinueddate"::text, "rowguid", "modifieddate"::text from production.product"""

  test("uniform ascending") {
    val query = productRepo.select
      s"""Sql($base WHERE ((name,weight,listprice) > (?::VARCHAR,?::DECIMAL,?::DECIMAL)) ORDER BY name ASC , weight ASC , listprice ASC , foo, Some(22.2), 33.3)"""

  test("uniform descending") {
    val query = productRepo.select
      s"""Sql($base WHERE ((name,weight,listprice) < (?::VARCHAR,?::DECIMAL,?::DECIMAL)) ORDER BY name DESC , weight DESC , listprice DESC , foo, Some(22.2), 33.3)"""

  test("complex") {
    val query = productRepo.select
      s"""Sql($base WHERE (((name > ?::VARCHAR) OR ((name = ?::VARCHAR) AND (weight < ?::DECIMAL))) OR (((name = ?::VARCHAR) AND (weight = ?::DECIMAL)) AND (listprice < ?::DECIMAL))) ORDER BY name ASC , weight DESC , listprice DESC , foo, foo, Some(22.2), foo, Some(22.2), 33.3)"""