oyvindkinsey / easyXDM

A javascript library providing cross-browser, cross-site messaging/method invocation.
MIT License
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Clarify noConflict behavior #241

Open joshuasiler opened 11 years ago

joshuasiler commented 11 years ago

Hopefully this will save someone a couple hours like it would have saved me.

mattcasey commented 11 years ago

Not sure your change is 100% correct. I am using a namespaced client easyXDM with provider not namespaced. I'm using

joshuasiler commented 11 years ago

Hmm, well the reason I had to explore this is because I am using two different easyXDM scripts on one page. It definitely didn't work until I had namespaced both providers. Perhaps this is only the case when multiple scripts are running on the same page? If you can confirm that, I'm happy to update the doc change to clarify.