oyvindkinsey / easyXDM

A javascript library providing cross-browser, cross-site messaging/method invocation.
MIT License
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Simple instructions, please! #270

Closed alvaro1728 closed 8 years ago

alvaro1728 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to accomplish two simple tasks:

  1. Send GET request to a remote API (out of my control) and read back JSON response.
  2. Send POST request with JSON data to a remote API and read back JSON response.

These two may be done multiple times during the lifetime of my page.

I've read the README but I'm not sure what the exact instructions are for accomplishing this, starting with: which source files do I need to include in my project?

Thanks! Alvaro

oyvindkinsey commented 8 years ago

This is better suited for the the discussion group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/easyxdm) although this is also covered in the documentation (http://easyxdm.net/wp/2010/03/17/cross-domain-ajax/) and examples (https://github.com/oyvindkinsey/easyXDM/blob/master/src/example/xhr.html).

oyvindkinsey commented 8 years ago

.. (out of my control)

This precludes use of easyXDM though, since it requires the remote party to provide an easyXDM host.