oyxhust / CNN-LSTM-CTC-text-recognition

CNN and LSTM model for text recognition
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multi GPU run,but out of bounds in the accuracy function #8

Open changss opened 6 years ago

changss commented 6 years ago

INFO:root:begin fit INFO:root:Start training with [gpu(6), gpu(7)] iter Traceback (most recent call last): File "testcrnn.py", line 249, in epoch_end_callback = mx.callback.do_checkpoint(prefix, 1)) File "../../python/mxnet/model.py", line 811, in fit sym_gen=self.sym_gen) File "../../python/mxnet/model.py", line 259, in _train_multi_device executor_manager.update_metric(eval_metric, data_batch.label) File "../../python/mxnet/executor_manager.py", line 422, in update_metric self.curr_execgrp.update_metric(metric, labels) File "../../python/mxnet/executor_manager.py", line 274, in update_metric metric.update(labels_slice, texec.outputs) File "../../python/mxnet/metric.py", line 350, in update reval = self._feval(label, pred) File "../../python/mxnet/metric.py", line 379, in feval return numpy_feval(label, pred) File "testcrnn.py", line 166, in Accuracy p.append(np.argmax(pred[k * BATCH_SIZE + i])) IndexError: index 1600 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1600