oz123 / awesome-c

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Adding jsonparser_c #224

Closed SBTopZZZ-LG closed 2 years ago

SBTopZZZ-LG commented 2 years ago

A powerful json parser which can parse and stringify complex structures with ease.

oz123 commented 2 years ago

Nice. However, this project is still young and lacks good documentation tests, dependant projects, full examples with different build systems, and so on. Thanks for your contribution.

SBTopZZZ-LG commented 2 years ago

Hello. I am Saumitra Topinkatti. Thank you for your quick response and suggestions. I wanted to ask, do I need to make small projects to demonstrate how the library works? I'm still a newbie and still learning 😅.

Any help is appreciated.

oz123 commented 2 years ago

Before adding something under "Awesome" I would like to see adoption by 3 parties, tests etc. There is no "road map" to becoming awesome. It takes hard work and time. In the past, the policy here was more loose. Some projects in this list are not very well document or even adopted. Some are even abandoned. I need to clean those, and I can't allow even more projects with unclear future.

Consider this: if everyone got a grade A+++ in the university, would exam notes have any meaning at all? I realize this might be disappointing. My intent is not to discourage you. My intent is to say: look, this thing has potential, but it's not ready yet.